Chapter 10

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It's a month since Lisa left for Thailand.

The manoband resident has been quite since then.

Kia is rarely home, he always goes out to visit Jennie.

Kia and Jennie's relationship has really blossom because they're always together talking and doing what teenagers do.

Kia is currently in the Kim's resident with Jennie.

"So kia how is Lisa? Hope she is having a good time in Thailand" Jennie asked.

"She is fine, you know we talk to each other every week, And school will soon be resuming over there" kia said.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you kia I will be attending your school, my father gave me the news yesterday" Jennie replied excitedly.

"Oh my goodness I'm so happy we'll be school mate, this is a great news and I'm going to show you to all my friends and you're going to love them" kia replied happily.

"OK kia I'll keep that in mind" Jennie said smiling.

"Don't they look good together" Jennie's father commented from afar.

"Stop it john they're too young for that kind of pairing" Jennie's mom says.

"And where is Kelly" Isabel asked.

"He went out with friend's" john spoke.

"But he didn't tell me" Isabel said.

"You were sleeping when he left" john replied.

"Oh OK" Isabel said.

"Isabel I'm glad we're back to are we were before, for a moment there I thought you will never going to forgive" john said smiling.

"Hmm John we shouldn't talk about the past let's focus on the future instead" she replied nonchalantly.

"I know Isabel And I know you don't like talking about the past but I'm glad we'll together just like it's suppose to be" he said smiling.

"Mom, Dad I want to escort kia to the car" Jennie said.

"Oh my son why don't you stay for dinner the maid is almost through with the cooking" john says.

"Sorry sir it's getting late already" kia replied smiling.

"No kia from this moment on call be Dad, have you forgotten what you did for I and my family, remember I told you I'll never forget it in hurry because you have earned a place in my family and also in my heart" john says.

"Oh john don't be too dramatic" Isabel laughed.

"You're scaring the young man" she laughed again.

Before john could reply his wife someone interrupted him.

"What did he do for this family that I didn't know about" Kelly said smiling also because what he just witnessed his father being playful.

"Oh don't mind me Kelly, I didn't tell you how 'KIA' here saved your sister from rolling into a pit" he replied laughing.

"You did" Kelly was stun.

"Yes I did" kia forceful replied.

"Oh my goodness thank you for saving my sisters life" Kelly replied kia still stun because of what he just heard.

"You're welcome" kia says.

But I will like to know how you saved Jennie, I like to know the whole story since I wasn't present" Kelly said.

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