The Deal

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"Oh princess!" A young woman exclaimed. "I remember meeting for the very first time. We were best friends right away!"

"Try again Gwen," Cassian said. The woman repositioned her shoulders and tried again.

"Alright ladies," Cassian said, looking to the small group of women. "I'll let you know as soon as possible."

"Cassian what if you get caught!" one exclaimed.

"I would tell on you if you were not so handsome," Gwen commented as she walked out the door.

"Alright, out!" Cassian shooed them away. The women left the building looking disgruntled.

"The odds of you finding the actual girl are low, about 500,000,000 to 1," Cassian imagined K2 telling him. He rolled his eyes at the fake Kay.

A knock came from the door. Cassian moved so the guest couldn't see him.

A young woman came in. She looked around getting her bearings. She slid her hand along the wall.

Cassian came out from behind the shadows. "Hey, you!"

The girl spun around so her back was to a holo of Galen, Lyra, and Jyn Erso. Cassian noticed the similarities between the holo of the young girl's mother and the woman that stood before him and a slow smile spread on his face.

"Well look who just stumbled in."

"Are you Cassian?" the young woman asked.

"Who's asking?"

"My name is Liana, I need tickets. Apparently, you're the one to see."

"I can do that for you, Lana." He circled her looking her up and down. Liana followed his movements but kept her mouth shut.

"Liana, with an i."

"What did you say about scan docs?"

"I want to go to Alderaan."

"Alright Liana, is there a last name?"

"I go by the name Halik."

"But that is not your real name."

"No, I don't remember it."

"You don't have any family?"

"The one I came to know are all dead." Cassian nodded. "So can you get me to Alderaan?"

"Actually, I'm are going there myself but I'm only taking Jyn Erso with me. I'm going to reunite Jyn Erso and the Princess." Liana raised her eyebrows. "You do look similar to her mother. The same face shape. Galen's eyes. You are the adult version of that little girl right there," Cassian said, pointing to the photo. Liana furrowed her brow at the photo.

"Perhaps," was all she said. She stared at it. Cassian gave a confused look at her but shrugged it off.

"I'll give you tickets, but only Jyn Erso is going to be able to make it to Alderaan," Cassian said.

"What's the price I have to pay?" Liana asked.

"Convince them you're her."

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