The Departure

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"I don't think this will work," K2 said to Liana, who was rummaging around in her bag. "If you're Galen's daughter, how can you not remember him?"

"I don't know," Liana replied. "But if I am, then he'll recognize me. And if I'm not it'll all be an honest mistake."

"You'll never get away. I've seen enough 'honest mistakes' to know."

"I guess you were one of Cassian's then," Liana stated, hauling her body into the spacecraft. K2 didn't say anything, but if droids could glare, he would have put every living thing to shame.

Cassian approached them after talking with Commander Draven.

"This girl better be Jyn Erso or else," he had said to Cassian. "You're lucky Senator Mon Mothma believes you. Now, if–when you get to Galen Erso, there will be no extraction. You find him. You kill him. Then and there."

Cassian hopped in and started preparing comms.

"Why does she get a blaster and I don't?" K2 asked. Cassian whipped around to face Leanna. "What?"

"I know how to use it."

"That's what I'm afraid of. Give it to me."

"I had one before and you're still alive."

"I find that answer vague and unconvincing," K2 supplied. Liana stared at Cassian with unmoving eyes.

"Trust goes both ways," she said. Cassian sighed and sat down in the pilot seat.

"You're letting her keep it?" K2 whined. "Would you like to know the probability of her using it against you?"

"Let's get going," Cassian said, ignoring K2.

"It's very high," K2 finished.

They lifted off the ground and shot through the atmosphere.

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