The Disagreement

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"Hey!" A woman called through a crowd of people. "Excuse me, sir."

A stormtrooper turned to the young woman, she had a friend behind her.

"Do you need something?" the trooper asked.

"We need to report something."

"The building is just over there," they said pointing to a gray building that blended in with the dark tones of the city. They turned back to the rest of their guard and marched back through the street.

"Gwen you know Liana doesn't deserve this," one of the women said. Gwen turned her head back.

"All she wants to do was go to Alderaan, Ryca. She has goals. This man wants to use her in a con. She won't be living her truth."

"Do you think her truth is prison?" Ryca asked sarcastically.

"All I'm saying is she's not fit for Alderaan."

"And you think Cassian Andor, master of lies, is?" Gwen sighed.

"He hurt you," she said plainly. "And me. He'll hurt her too. Break her heart into a million pieces and program it into his stupid droid."

"Liana's built up enough barriers, I'm sure she'll be fine."

"So did you." Ryca looked down.

"Doesn't mean I want him dead," she said.

"Yeah, but think of all the people he's stolen from. He lives happily, choosing when to work. Meanwhile, everyone else is working all day just to pay for food."

Ryca fixed the red scarf on her head and looked sadly into Gwen's eyes.

"You're right, but what about Liana?"

"A sacrifice."

"You can report it and I won't stop you, but if Liana gets caught, don't come crying and praying. You'll have to live with yourself knowing you were the reason she won't ever see freedom again."

Ryca turned and walked away, making sure part of her scarf hit Gwen in the face. Gwen scowled but turned scared eyes to the building in front of her.

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