The Arrival

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A little girl with braids peers into a room. Two men in imperial uniform drink together, laughing. One of the men notices the little girl. He comes toward her and picks her up.

"What's the matter, Jyn? You looked frightened. I'll always protect you. Stardust. Don't ever change."

A woman looks lovingly to the father and daughter while the other man looks out of place.

The little girl is pulled through a secret door.

She falls onto a platform.

The feeling of waking by being jostled was not a new feeling to Liana. She blinked a couple of times before taking a look around. She had fallen asleep in the care of people who didn't particularly trust her.

They wouldn't do anything to her of course, she was their money grab.

Liana grabbed a truncheon from Cassian's ship and hooked it onto her belt. She was not happy about returning to Jedha. A grumbled expression colored her face as she walked out to Cassian and K2.

Cassian was looking out with macrobinoculars into the city.

"This is one of the saddest rocks in the galaxy," she said.

"When you put it that way, Alderaan is also just a rock," K2 said. Liana maintained eye contact while readjusting things in her bag.

"Do you see?" Cassian said. "You know why they were attacking the temple, it's the kyber crystal. The fuel for the weapon."

"The one your 'father's' building," K2 added.

"I think we should leave target practice behind," Liana said.

"Is she talking about me?" K2 asked Cassian.

"You're too recognizable Kay. If the empire sees a KX droid with two not-imps, you'll be clue number one that we're not supposed to be here."

"This planet is under imperial control, I'll be fine."

"Half the people here want to reprogram you and the other half want to put a hole in you." Cassian smiled and walked toward the city. Liana followed.

"Glad you're so concerned with my safety." K2 dropped the bag Liana had shoved at him.

Cassian and Liana entered the city. Liana kept her head down so as to not draw attention to herself while it seemed that Cassian was looking for someone.

"Citizens of Jedha, you must come forward with information of the location of this missing cargo pilot," a stormtrooper called. "A reward of 600 credits for the information shall be awarded."

Liana pulled the scarf Cassian had given her over her head. She did not want to be recognized by any troopers.

"I have to check in real quick, they don't trust me completely—being a conman."

"Well you're lying right now to their faces, how can they not pick it up?"

"I was the best spy in the rebellion," he said proudly.

"So what happened?" Cassian ignored her question.

"After the check-in, I'll need to find one of my old contacts and hope she'll be able to get us a meeting with Saw. I'll be right back."

Cassian slipped off into the crowd while Liana stood there a bit awkwardly, waiting.

"Trade you that necklace for a glimpse into your future." Liana looked around, noticing a blind man sitting on some steps.

"Yes, I'm talking to you. I'm Chirrut Imwe."

"How did you know I was wearing a necklace?" Liana asked.

"For that answer, you must pay," he smiled. "What do you know about kyber?

"Not much, they power the Jedi's lightsabers."

"Your necklace is made of kyber, where did you get it?"

"I was found with it, along with a box with Alderaan engraved on it." Liana had never been one to openly talk to strangers about her life but one blind man couldn't do much harm.

"You wish to go to Alderaan?"

"Yes, It's a clue to my past."

"What is your name?"

"Liana." Chirrut raised his eyebrows in amusement.

"Be careful Liana, someone has turned their back on you." Liana wondered what it meant, but before she could inquire Cassian had pulled her away.

"C'mon Li."

"The strongest stars have hearts of kyber," Chirrut announced into the crowd. Liana turned back but Cassian nudged her to go forward."

"You seem on edge," she commented.

"Well, I have two new problems. One, This planet's gonna blow. And two, The imps know we have you."

"But I don't actually know if I'm her!" Liana protested.

"They don't care, you could be a sign of hope, and when people hope, rebellions happen."

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