The Captured

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Liana felt her forehead throbbing. She stayed as still as she could, trying to determine where she was. She had been thrown down on a seat haphazardly with her limbs sprawled awkwardly. She felt her right arm tingle and rolled her eyes at the troopers.

She couldn't feel any movement the ship was making. They were most likely in hyperspace. Someone moved next to her, making her grimace at the pain spreading from her elbow. The air tasted stale as everyone's attention was drawn towards her.

She opened her eyes. In front of her sat an older man with his hands cuffed behind his back. He leaned towards her in wonder.


"Hey," a death trooper said in an unscrambled voice. "No talking."

Liana stared at the man in front of her. He was obviously Galen Erso, her father. She wanted to feel something other than sympathy for him. She wished she could remember him and love him as a daughter should.

The director smirked at him.

"Not much of 'Jyn' left," he said proudly. "She's now Liana Hallik, which is actually a dead woman's name."

Saw had given her first name without much hassle. She had found a dead woman's last name though, that was for sure. She looked down at the ground in shame, this was not how she imagined being reunited with her family would be.

"Ooh, Tarkin will be so jealous of me," the director stated, bouncing on his heels. "One wanted criminal and a rebel spy."

Leanna furrowed her brow. "Wanted?"

"Oh right you don't know," he said smugly. "Your former friend, What was her name?"

"Gwen," a stormtrooper's voice supplied. Leanna squinted but wasn't sure the trooper was Ga'tok.

"Yes, Gwen Rache," the director continued. "She came saying you and a man named Cassian were on your way to collect some reward money."

Liana's face turned quickly to despair. She quickly tried to mask her true feelings but she knew it was too late, almost everyone knew what she was thinking. The director chuckled.

"Of course you had no idea you were actually the key to getting to Mister Galen Erso here." he struggled in front of her. "And since he cares for you so dearly, I think I know how to get information from him."

Liana swallowed. She had never been a fan of torture methods that were targeted at loved ones, especially if she was the one being tortured.

The ship landed and the director stood up.

"I will speak with Lord Vader on my own, make sure the prisoners don't try anything." He walked out over the ramp. "Tarkin is full of bantha crap," he said to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2021 ⏰

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