The Flaw

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"Baze, tell me. All of it?" Chirrut asked clutching his staff. "The whole city? Tell me."

"All of it," Baze replied.

"Setting course for Eadu," K2 said flicking a few switches.

"Is that where my father is?" Liana asked.

Cassian turned toward her creasing his eyebrows in confusion.

"You're Galen's daughter?" a man asked.

"You know him?"

"I'm Bodhi, the pilot."

"What was he like?"

"Yes, your father... He said I could get right by myself. He said I could make it right if I was brave enough and listened to what was in my heart. Do something about it. Guess it was too late."

"No, it's not."

"He misses you you know," Bodhi said, changing the subject.

"I don't remember him," Liana said putting her head down. "But he put a flaw in the weapon, it was in the message."

"You have that message, right?" Cassian asked.

"I didn't... it all happened so fast."

"Did you see it?"

"You don't believe me."

"They won't believe any of us."

"What is the flaw?" The man with the big gun asked.

"The reactor. He said if you can blow the reactor–the module–the whole system goes down."

"How do we know where the reactor is?" Chirrut asked.

"The plans. They're on Scarif," Liana said. "Cassian you need to tell them there's a way to defeat this thing."

"Not now, we're in Imperial territory." He then said in a hushed tone, "Liana why are you saying you're Jyn Erso?"

"Because I am," she whispered back.

"How is Galen Erso gonna know that? Just because you look the part doesn't mean you're her."

"Saw said so." Cassian closed his eyes and counted to 5.

"We should leave her," K2 said.

"Kay!" Cassian turned toward his droid friend. "We talked about this." Liana, unimpressed, rolled her eyes.

"Bodhi I need your help," she called.


"I need you to help me remember."

"I can help," Chirrut supplied. "I knew Lyra."

"Alright gentlemen," Liana said. "Start your teaching."

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