The Decision

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Cassian looked through his rifle. Galen Erso's head stayed still in an eerie manner. No one on the platform dared take a step.

The scientists were shot down.

Cassian should have been worried, but all he could think about was Liana–or Jyn. She really was the little girl he had briefly spoken with before she was whisked away. Cassian shook the water off and looked back through the scope.

"Shoot him. Then and there."

Cassian held his finger on the trigger, aiming it. He was a good soldier, he did what he was ordered.

I'm not part of the Alliance anymore, he told himself. I choose for myself.

He let his finger relax and took a couple of breaths. The director was watching Galen Erso be led by a stormtrooper into the shuttle.

Cassian repositioned his rifle so all he could see was the gray hair of the director.




He whipped around quickly, pulling out a blaster, skewing Cassian's headshot to a shoulder shot. Cassian followed the director's gaze, It was on Liana.

"Cassian we have a problem!" K2's voice crackled on the comm."There's an Alliance squadron approaching."

"Tell them to hold off," Cassian replied frantically. "Liana's on that platform."

Cassian could hear them through his comm, the rebel fleet was whizzing its way over the jagged rocks.

He groaned and quickly packed up his rifle after checking on Liana. She was handling herself considerably well despite the 6 death troopers. A stun hit her on her back and she slumped forward into a trooper's waiting arms.

"Liana!" he shouted into the rainy night. Feeling helpless, he watched as she was carried into the shuttle.

He quickly got his senses about him, searching for the shuttle Bodhi had gone for. One hovered near the rock formations. Cassian dropped to the lower ledge and threw himself at the ramp, hauling his lower half over it.

The shuttle lowered to let Chirrut and Baze clamber up and Cassian felt annoyed at himself for not waiting for a second longer so his body wouldn't hurt.

"Go go go!" he urged K2. He stared through the closing ramp at the ship where Liana lay slumped, in the hands of the enemy. What would they do to her if they found out who she really was? The daughter of the man who guaranteed the downfall of the Empire.

Cassian let out a breath when everything went dark and the lights turned on. He would have to report to the rebellion because he was handling one of their most precious leads but now he had nothing to offer, except maybe the pilot but most rebels weren't very sympathetic to imperial defects and wouldn't believe him.

"Do you remember what Liana–Jyn said about the message?" he asked the group.

"The reactor," Chirrut said. "It only needs one hit."

"And the plans are on Scarrif," Bodhi piped in. Cassian nodded, he wanted to let go of everything having to do with the Death Star and go to Liana's aid.

"We should get her," he said finally. Everyone noticed him curiously and he shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot. "I still want my pay."

"And mine," K2 added. Baze huffed and laid down.

"We have no obligation to the Alliance," Chirrut said. "But as much as I've come to know her in this short time, I believe she would rather we relay this information to the rebellion."

Cassian nodded, slightly afraid of what he might find when he returned to the Yavin 4 base. Draven would shake his head in disappointment and stalk off.

Cassian took a deep breath and composed himself, looking for K2. He sat in the co-pilot's seat with his head tipped back lazily.

"To Yavin 4," he announced to the ship and walked toward the cockpit.

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