The Soldier

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"What's the pilot's name again?"

"Bodhi Rook. You'd think after all the time we've spent looking for him you'd know his name."

Two stormtroopers sat idly in a common area chatting with their helmets off. Their foreheads were slicked in sweat. Other troopers were sprinkled around the room doing their own things.

"Well, he has a common name, Tulli. There are plenty of Bodhis."

"C'mon Ga'tok, you can't know that many." Ga'tok shrugged his shoulders and stared at a fixed point. Tulli rolled his eyes at his friend.

"Are you thinking about that girl again?" he asked. A couple of other troopers turned their heads towards Ga'tok and Tulli.

"Didn't you say you were going to marry her?" one of the younger troopers teased.

"I did not say that," Ga'tok protested. The other troopers shared knowing smiles and continued to make fun of their friend.

"I think I'm in love."

"We went on a date."

"Wah wah, she dumped me."

Ga'tok left the room, ready to get away from his childish coworkers. Tulli followed after him.

The front of the building was quiet, a woman sat at the front desk writing something on a piece of paper.

"Hey 'Tok," she said, using his nickname.

"Hey, Lix."

He sat down on one of the metal chairs. Tulli sat next to him trying to get his mind off of his ex-girlfriend.

A woman entered the building. She put on an act of confidence but Lix noticed the slight shiver of her hand.

"What can I do for you?" Lix asked.

"I...I just have something to report." She spoke quickly like she was trying to get everything out in one breath.

"Can I get a name?"

"Gwen Rache," she answered.

"And what are you reporting?"

"A girl I know is being employed to be Jyn Erso."

"And why is this important?"

"Because Jyn Erso is the daughter of an Imperial science officer." Lix paused her typing. Ga'tok and Tulli looked up from their conversation.

"How do you know this information?" Ga'tok asked.

"I asked her." She lifted her chin. Tulli could see that she was lying but didn't say anything. It was better to not intimidate.

"Who are the employers," Lix asked.

"Cassian Andor and a droid."

"Andor," Ga'tok seethed. "He's only been here a month and I've heard his names enough to last a lifetime."

"And the woman?"

"Liana Halik." Ga'tok's eyes widened and he stared at Gwen in disbelief. "She said goodbye to me before leaving, she was hoping to go to Alderaan. Well, you know the rumor about Princess Leia Organa trying to find her childhood friend."

"There is also a rumor that the rebellion wants her father, Galen Erso," Tulli said gravely.

"Well, I suppose so."

Ga'tok was frozen.

Liana. Liana Halik.

His Liana.

"You have to catch them quick though," Gwen said. "His specialty is forging scan docs."

"If it weren't for those terrorists and that stupid pilot, this would be an important issue," Lix said to Gwen. "Unfortunately this is considered a more minor issue by comparison and will take longer.

"Ga'tok and I are being relocated today perhaps we'll be assigned locating them," Tulli said.

"If you are, make sure Cassian Andor receives the worst torture. I don't want him living in the same galaxy as me."

"You have my word Miss," Ga'tok reassured, holding an intense gaze and bowing slightly. "They won't even be able to recognize the body."

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