The Director

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Ga'tok stood in front of Director Krennic, internally panicking.

"It has come to my attention that you know of the girl who may be Jyn Erso," he said in a suave voice.

"Yes sir."

"What was her name again?"

"Liana Halik sir." Krennic was clearly was looking at her file.

"Yes, she has quite the record I see. What's your name trooper?"

"Ga'tok Leese."

"Sit down Leese." Ga'tok sat.

"Please take off your helmet so I can see if you're lying or not." Ga'tok did as he was told, letting his light brown hair flop in his eyes.

"Tell me about her, from the beginning."

"Well, she was found by Saw Guerrera–the leader of the terrorist group–on Alderaan on a train platform." Krennic's eyes widened and he subconsciously held his right arm.

"Go on," he urged.

"Uh, Saw raised her until she was fourteen–she didn't do a lot of fighting–and then he left her. Then she took up with a family who then was killed in the name of the Empire." He shifted uncomfortably. "So she went to Jedha, where I met her."

"And while she was there with you, did you ever tell her you were a stormtrooper?"

"No." Ga'tok looked down. "Not until a day ago; she left me."

"Oh I'm so sorry," Krennic said almost too sincerely. "Did she leave before the destruction?"

"I'm not sure, probably. She wanted to go to Alderaan."

"It seems as if she's taking a detour. Rebels have her."

"Cassian Andor and a KX series droid sir."

"I have my suspicions on what they want," Krennic said. "You are dismissed trooper."

"Thank you, sir." Ga'tok put his helmet on, saluted, and left the office.

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