The Daughter

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Krennic knelt to where Galen lay pathetically on the platform. He looked down menacingly on his former friend.

"How do I know the weapon is complete?"

"I've told them," Galen said, jutting his chin up in defiance. "The pilot, the message."

"Your daughter?" Galen's face showed a glint of fear and hope mixed.


"What's left of her at least." A grin snaked onto Krennic's face. "She doesn't remember you, and she never will."

"You'll never win." Galen stared, determined.

"Now where have I heard that before. Trooper!" Leese came out from behind the Deathtroopers. Krennic had ultimately decided the man may be useful. "Escort the officer onto my shuttle and tell him about Liana Halik."

"Father!" a voice yelled. A young woman appeared on the platform. Krennic turned around. Stunned by how much she looked like Lyra Erso, he took out his blaster to shoot her but felt a hot burning on his arm. He collapsed onto the platform.

"Apprehend her," he ordered, clutching his arm and hobbling back into the shuttle. Whines broke through in the rain, signaling rebel pilots.

Deathtroopers surrounded her, setting their blasters to stun. She gripped her blaster tight and started shooting.

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