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Vanguard stood beside Jack as Amiya explained the mission to them. A few other Operators were there too, none besides Liskarm and Fang were familiar to him.

"Ok, our mission is to head to Lungmen and support Kal'tsit." Amyia explained as she started to assign groups.

"There will also be a high chance of Reunion being there, so be on guard at all cost." Everyone nodded except for Adrien who had a bored expression under his helmet.

"Vanguard, you will take care of the new Operators for this mission" The Rogue shot up in suprise and looked at Amiya, but sighed and nodded as a few Rookies walked toward him. He knew all of them so it wasn't hard to figure out who was who.

He saw Fang, Durin, 12F, Kroos, Beagle, Plume, Haze, Popukar, and Steward.

Vanguard nodded at Fang who nodded back. He was a little suprise at how many Rookies he had to command, but at the same time he wasn't to surprise, he once worked for a Company called Black Tusk, but he only work for them since he was working for Keener and sending information about Black Tusk and what they're doing to him.

He then had to abandoned them when he found out they were being attacked by the Division. Keener understood and thank him for his help.

Vanguard looked at every single Rookie who stared back at him. He took a deep breath and sighed.

Without a word he spun around and started walking towards the garage which held a lot of vehicles. The Rookies followed not wanting to lose sight of their squad leader.

Vanguard looked around the garage and stopped when he saw a certain Vehicle which caused him to smile. It appeared big enough so he walked towards it.

"Alright Rookies hop in." Vanguard said opening the door and jumping into the armored SUV. Fang sat in the passenger seat while the rest got into the back.

"It's a bit cramped in here Vanguard." The male looked behind him to see Kroos trying to get more comfortable while being squeezed between Haze and 12F.

The male thought they would be able to fit but apparently the SUV wasn't big enough since the Operators were also carrying their weapons which involved a lot of large weapons and Shields.

Everyone got out while Vanguard slammed his head against the door. For being stupid since he realized the Rookies weren't carrying guns which was small and compact, but large weapons that takes up a lot of space.

"What about the armored Van over there?" Vanguard looked at Steward and followed his finger to a large black van which had an armored windshield and windows. He even saw the Rhodes Island logo on the side of it.

"That could work." Vanguard said walking towards it and opening the door as the Rookies hopped into the van, but this time Haze jumped into the passenger seat which got a glare from Fang.

"Sorry Fang, first come first serve." Haze giggled while Fang huffed and got into the back. Vanguard chuckled and got comfy in his seat.

"Alright everyone, comfy and ready to go?" Vanguard said getting sounds of confirmation from them all. "Good..." There was a paused as Vanguard opened the glove box and grabbed the keys. He started up the Van and saw everyone else about to leave in their own vehicles and quickly followed suit towards Lungmen.

The drive was silent as everyone didn't know what to say. Well except Durin who was sleeping soundly.

"Um, Sir." Vanguard didn't respond since he didn't like be called sir even in Black Tusk, he mostly made his squad call him by name or codename.

"He prefers his codename, he doesn't like being called sir." Fang said while sharpening her polearm. The person who spoke understood.

"Vanguard." This time the Rogue responded cheerfully.

Arknights: The Rogue Agent (The Division X Arknight) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now