The Ark

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The Rogue Agent looked around a bit impressed. He would admit, that the Ark look better then he expected. But even so he continued to have his guard up around here, he is still suspicious about Rhodes Island.

Adrien stepped off the helicopter which picked them up from the Cherno DZ and allowed Adrien to escape the manhunt.

Meanwhile the other Operators followed suit. The Agent looked at the unconscious bunny girl with a bit of guilt.

He may have put more then one dose seeing as how she was still asleep... or was she extremely stressed out and needed some rest?

The female Knight, who was now named Nearl decided to show the Agent around which he accepted. She still didn't trust him, so she wanted to keep a very close eye on him.

Many Operators who saw him didn't think to much of him until they spotted Adrien watch which wasn't glowing, so they just thought he was another SHD Agent, unless they looked real close to see the dull red ring on the watch.

Adrien and Nearl reached the medical wing which was just a plain white door for the entrance.

Nearl stepped forward and the door slid opened. Adrien pulled off his mask a while ago so he was able to breath real air instead of the filtered stuff his mask provides.

Now he was regreting not wearing his mask as the smell of strong chemicals enetered his nose. A small grimace appeared on his face before it vanished a second later.

"This is the medical wing, where we treat our Operators and any civilians we find after missions" Nearl explained while Adrien looked over everything. He saw a lot of different equipment which intrigued him, but at the same time didn't really care since his medical SHD Tech healed everything, Including armor and clothing.

But what caught his interest was that they treated civilians too? He thought they only treated their own Operators... Adrien nodded slowly as he started to relaxe slightly, before tensing up again.

"Oh, hello Nearl, how are you today?" A person with two large pink rabbit ears said walking into the room.

"I'm doing good Ansel, just showing this Division Agent around" Nearl said as Adrien stepped forward and held out his hand.

"Hey, names Adrien... codename... Vanguard" Nearl raised an eyebrow at the codename while Ansel raised his hand and shook Rogue's hand.

"Ansel, but I am not the only Medic around here" Ansel said while Adrien nodded.

"I figured as much seeing as how many Operators were around, if I had to treat these many Operators, I'll probably lose my head and maybe a bit of my sanity" The Agent said with a chuckle, the medic laughed as well before waving goodbye to the duo since he had other important things to do.

"Nice first impressions, you seem to have first experience on treating people" Nearl said, but Adrien shrugged.

"Eh, I've been a Medic before so I know the pain of trying to be helpful" The Agent said recalling his time in NY hearing his fellow Agents shouting at him to help them. "I never really liked having that role, but I know how to do it" Adrien mumbled.

Nearl nodded and lead the Agent over to another room which was a training room.

As the duo stepped in they already saw a few Operators training. Adrien saw a few familiar faces since they were in rescue mission, but that was about it.

"No! like this!" A voice said at a firing range to the Right. Nearl and Adrien looked over to see Jessica and another Operator teaching the feline how to fire her weapon.

Arknights: The Rogue Agent (The Division X Arknight) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now