Exploring and Talking.

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Advance: I'm a person of many talents. (Not Really) But I know for dam sure I never plan ahead, in books that is. So whenever I write is off the top of my head and comes at me randomly... enjoy!

Vanguard walked around the Ark with no destination in mind, he just felt like looking around some more. When he first looked he didn't really take in his surroundings, but since he was going to stay, he might as well learn the layout of the Ark.

A few Operators who were Rookies that passed by and gave him a simple nod. Most of the rookie Operators trusted him, however some of the more experienced Operators didn't. They knew what he was capable of and what a Rogue Agent stands for.

Vanguard gave a nod back and continued walking. After a few minutes his stomach growled. The male pat his stomach and decided to head on over to the Cafeteria.

While approaching the Cafeteria Vanguard stopped when he saw the group of SHD Agents talking to a group of Rookie Operators.

And one of the most familiar Operators was Jessica. She must of felt his stare because she turned around and saw him.

The catgirl smiled and walked over to him which the other Rookies saw and followed her lead.

The SHD Agents scowled at Vanguard, but all they got was a middle finger to the face before he turned his attention to the Rookies.

"Hey there Rookies, how is your training going?" The Rogue said looking at every Operator that was infront of him.

Since the Rookies were the most willing to talk to him, Vanguard took the time out of his day to learn all of their names and roles. He even spared a moment of their time to give them some tips and help with training.

First there was Nori, a Guard Operator. He wasn't the best at hand to hand combat which is something every Guard Operator should know, but he was a very durable person thanks to his shield and sturdy armor.

Vanguard tested him on it and had to admit, he would probably put most Tank SHD Agents to shame with how he was able to stay on his feet even Vanguard used a type of dummy grenade which had the same effect of a real one, just with no shrapnel.

Vanguard had to admit Nori would make a great Guard Operator, just with a lot more training he might become one of the best.

Next was Jessica, a Ranger, she relied on her Pistol and gave covering fire for any Operator who was in trouble. She still wasn't used to the recoil, but she had some great aim.

Just like Nori, with a bit more practice she will make a great Operator some day.

Next up was Fang a Vanguard Operator. She wasn't that new to Rhodes Island, but she was still a rookie.

She used a polearm which was great to hit enemies that were getting to close to hit them and create some distance. Fang was skilled with it, not Adrien could tell to be honest, he rather stick with using guns and his tech then using a close range weapon.

Last but not least was Yato. Another Vanguard type Operator Like Fang, she wasn't that new to Rhodes Island. Adrien seen Yato use her sword before and that was when they were helping the Doctor back to the Ark.

The sword looked heavy, but Yato swung it with such ease it amazed the Rogue to no end.

There were more Rookies inside the Ark, but they weren't in the group the Agent is currently looking at right now.

Arknights: The Rogue Agent (The Division X Arknight) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now