Happy Birthday Unknown!

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Advance: This isn't really a chapter because I'm practically brain dead at the moment and can't think of what too do.

Angel: So a few days ago I found out it is close to being UnknownV1rus birthday too and I wanted to make him a chapter dedicated to his Birthday so be sure to go over to his profile and give a 'little' happy birthday.

Devil: Not only that our birthday is on July 16 so happy birthday to myself... anyways, on with the birthday chapter!


Adrien was walking through Camp White Oak with Jerricho beside him. Both Agents recently came back from a mission and were both extremely tired.

It was a simple escort mission which got a grumble from both Agent since nobody likes the escort mission, they would have declined the escort if it wasn't for Amyia giving Adrien the puppy dog eyes which practically brought the Rogue to his knees.

Jerricho took a bit more persuading since there was no way to convince him. However all it took was for Adrien to say a few words which he whispered towards the Hunter.

This caused the older Agent too tense up and glare at the Rogue who shrugged not at all intimated by him.

The mission took most of the day and they just got back. Both were tired and bored, well more Adrien since Jerricho was acting more professional.

The duo walked towards the cafeteria since it was dinner time and they were starving.

"Hey Jerricho." The Hunter glanced at the Rogue. "Why are we here?" The older Agent rolled his eyes and resisted to facepalm. Sometimes Adrien purposely annoys the Hunter just for kicks.

While the two may work together doesn't mean they have to like each other. Both hated one another and need just a few good reasons so they can put a bullet in between the other's eyes.

"Adrien, you keep talking to me and I'm going to dropkick you." Adrien smirked under his helmet and yawned while stretching his arms, purposely smacking the Hunter's arm roughly.

He received a glare for his efforts. And the next thing you know Jerricho slammed Adrien's head into a metal wall. The Rogue yelp and held his head which was currently shaking in pain.

Even with his helmet, it still hurt like hell, but then again it was worth pissing the hunter off.

"Do that again and I'll do that to the dog you have." Adrien said loudly making Jerricho freeze in place. Before the Rogue could react his back slammed against the wall with a tomahawk held up to his throat. "Oh. Did I strike a nerve?" Adrien said with a smirk.

"You touch my dog and there will be no place on earth to keep you safe from me." Jerricho said in a low voice that made even Adrien flinch slightly. "Don't ever bring things I love into this."

Ok, the Rogue and Hunter hated eachother with a passion. The Hunter hated Adrien because he was one of Keener's Rogue Agents.

While the Rogue hated the Hunter, because of how he talked about Keener and his legacy, and nobody talking down at the person he looked up too.

Both side glared at each other just daring the other to make a move. There were many reason they weren't killing each other at them moment and that was Rhodes Island. They didn't need the group hating them for their hate for one another.

Jerricho let out a aggravated sigh then released Adrien who rubbed the spot where the axe was neatly centimeters away from his throat.

Both looked at each other one more time before heading towards the Cafeteria In tense silence.

Both side reached the cafeteria and pushed open the doors. However they paused just inches from entering the room. The room was pitch black, both Agents tensed up now realizing how quiet it was in the Camp.

Adrien was about to activate a pulse until the lights in the Cafe turned on making both Hunter and Rogue reach for their sidearm.

"SURPRISE!" A bunch of cheering is heard as both Agents regained their vision and looked around to see the cafeteria had a complete makeover.

Their was streamers hanging from the ceiling, confetti littered the floor, the smell of delicious food filled the Agents nose. And there was one smell Adrien knew very well, but right now he was focused on the current situation.

Both Agents saw almost all of the Rhodes Island Operators there staring at them. There was also some Penguin Logistic members.

"Um." Jerricho got out not sure what is happening, he has been to a few suprise party, but why are they celebrating?

The Doctor walked up to the duo with his mask off and hood down. He smiled at them which made the two suspicious

"Happy birthday you two." The duo blinked then looked at eachother. One was confused while the other was suprised "While it might not be Jerricho's birthday it's still very close by like a few days, so everyone here decied to celebrate both of your birthdays."

There was silence as the two Agents turned to look at eachother. Everyone started to get nervous as the two Agents continue to stare at eachother.

"Lasagna." Jerricho said slowly while Adrien laugh a tad bit and shook his head at the Hunter.

"Lasagna." Adrien said nodding his head and holding his hand out for a handshake

Advance: For those that are wondering what the hell just happened is something only me and Unknow understand. A joke between us. But lets quickly redo that scene.

"Sooo, it's your birthday?" Jerricho said looking at Adrien who stayed silent for a second then nodded.

"Appers so, I completely forgot it was my birthday because of all the logistics mission I've been doing." Adrien said with Amiya beside him who gave the Rogue a knowing looking.

"Well, happy birthday Advance" Jerricho said holding his hand out to the Rogue. Advance looked at the outstretched hand then smiled.

"And too you to Unknown." Advance said reaching out and shaking the Hunter's hand.

And with that the two Agents enjoyed their birthday party.

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