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Yep, I wasn't surprised at all by this outcome. I keep telling myself to not push myself, and I just couldn't pull another chapter out for this book. Even UnknownV1rus can agree with me on that, we both lost our motivation for our books.

I hate Division now and the book made absolutely no sense anymore so I'm Discontinuing the book, cause the only motivation and inspiration I got for this book is when I played both Arknights and Division.

I still play Arknights from time to time, but that is it, I'll probably do a Arknights book, but not anytime soon sadly.

So sorry to everyone, but it was a lost causes, and I've gotten a lot better at writing and reading the whole book myself... I could help but cringe at what I was reading... this is my own book and it was awful, I know I could do way better then this...

It even makes think about getting a Editor... I might know somebody who could help me.

Are you up to be my Editor? KaelanSix my friend.

Again sorry, I'm sure others are glad this book is dead, and I could give less of a shit to be honest...

I know I'm sounding like and ass, but there is no way to say this, my book was a mess and needed some serious tuning and thought process put into it.

Anyways, I'm Advance, and I'll see you guys later. Also if you have storie Ideas I could do, I might take them into account.

Arknights: The Rogue Agent (The Division X Arknight) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now