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Advance: I been playing some Division 2 Dark zones lately and been going rogue a lot, so this Idea came to me... enjoy.

Devil: You're forgetting something.

Angel: What's he forgetting?

Advance: Oh that... ya there's going to be smut in this books.

Angel: What! Oh you sick bastard.

Devil/Advance: Excuse me? You're us!

Angel: Just why?

Advance: You already know my answer but let me repeat myself... cause why not?

Devil: YA!



It was a cold Thursday night. The wind blew by a bit roughly causing most of the trash that's scattered around the street to be pushed away.

A male sighed as he walked through a destroyed part of a city which was also know as a Dark Zone or DZ for Short. It was quite, the only sound were distant gunshots, explosions, and the sound of the wind whistling passing through the empty streets.

The man looked down at his left arm and stared at the metal watch resting on his wrist. When he first wore the watch it was a symbol of hope to many... now it's to show fear.

It glowed a light red which caught the attention of many people who knew what he was and who he once worked for.

The man is a third wave Division Agent... or was, he was actived a really long time ago back when the dollar flue went berserk in NY, he didn't know why the Division choose him to be an Agent, but he didn't question it and accepted the offer, not realizing what it meant to be a sleeper agent, but it was already to late.

But after being a Division Agent for so long and seeing so many fellow Agents go rogue he started questioning the Division and their motives.

Were they really helping the people or were they just helping themselves? He done so many things he wasn't proud of and kind of regrets it now.

The man looked up and paused. In front of him was a female who stood there staring back at him with a blank look. The male looked at her wrist and frowned. She wore the exact same watch like him, another Agent of the Division.

But instead of a light red like his own, hers was a light orange... she was a SHD agent... he wasn't. He was something everyone hated and feared.

"Walk away Agent this fight Is not for you." The male sighed shaking his head while the female didn't listened.

She simply pulled out an SMG which was a classic MP5k and started to check the magazine.

"You're a Rogue, I can't let you walk away" The female said after checking her weapon. She looked up at the male who nodded his head in understanding.

"Why do you follow the Division's orders do you not see what they have done?" The female didn't say anything making the Rogue sigh. "All you Agents are always so stubborn to see the big picture and accept the truth."

The male reached behind him and grabbed the Custom P416 G3 strapped to his backpack.

"You turned your back on the Division and humanity, why should I listen to someone like you?" The male shook his head after checking his ammunition and looking up at the female.

Arknights: The Rogue Agent (The Division X Arknight) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now