Vanguard's Profile

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Code name: Vanguard

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Code name: Vanguard

Gender: Male

Role: Sniper/medic/guard

Combat experience: 6 years

Birthplace: Unknown

Birthdate: June 4

Race: Human

Height: 6.2 ft

Infection status: Unknown

Physical Exam

Physical Strength: Standard

Mobility: Excellent

Physical resilience: Standard

Tactical Acumen: Excellent

Combat skills: Outstanding

Originium Arts assimilation: Standard


While not an Actual Operator in Rhodes Island, Vanguard is willing to help out whenever he can or when Amiya can convince him.

He used to be an Agent of the Division, but over time he became a Rogue Agent, he won't tell us the reason he went Rogue. All we got out of him was a clue.

He said: My code name is the reason I became Rogue, find the person who used to have the same code name as me and you will figure it out.

Clinical Analysis

The medical team weren't able to get tests on Vanguard, so it's unknow if he's Actually infected or not. But everytime the team tries to talk him into it, the Agent would shoot them down. Even Amiya failed to convince him.

Archive File 1

Vanguard is a master with any gun he can get his hands on.

Archive File 2

Vanguard's SHD tech is the most reliable but the most dangerous things he ever uses.

"I remember back on one of my missions, I was bleeding out, next thing you know, I'm covered in a green mist and all my wounds are gone and my armor is all repaired! I founded Vanguard pointing his chem launcher at me before he put it away and went to help another Operator" -Noir Corne

Arknights: The Rogue Agent (The Division X Arknight) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now