Kenely college

457 10 16

Inside a nearly empty room, rested the resident Rogue Agent. He was laying down on his bed currently staring up at the ceiling as the last mission played through his head. It was only been a few days ago, but it continued to play in his head over and over again.

He wouldn't admit it, but he felt bad for what happened to Misha, sadly she made her choice and it ended badly for her.

Lungmen's mission was pretty difficult, but nothing he couldn't handle. However he had a few other things to do, that was go to Penguin Logistics and say hello to some old friends. He promised to visit them by the end of the month.

Next was talk with the Rookies and a few others about a proposition he has for them, but decided to hold it off, until he was absolutely sure this is the right decision.

Not only that the Doctor has been acting odd lately, whenever he sees Adrien, the Doctor goes into a state of panic and starts looking around frantically for something. He might talk with Amiya about it.

Not only that a Operator passed away a few days ago, because of some True Sons. Everyone in the Ark had to get together soon and speak about the Operator, however the Rogue didn't go, not out of disrespect, but because he didn't know the guy at all. Adrien only knew that the Operator's name was Kevin, and that's it.

Adrien closed his eyes and waited for sleep to consume him, but it seems fate had other options.

"Distress Singal nearby." Adrien opened his eyes with a bit of annoyance, he was about to ignore it, but ISAC already connected to it.

"Is this thing on! Help, we are trapped in the nearby university with the Cleaners, and they are hellbent on killing us, please we have women and children here, we can't contact the Division, just someone! help us!" Adrien stared at the ceiling blankly as he remembered his time in New York and what the Cleaners did to the Civilians.

The Rogue closed his eyes and only heard the sound of a flame thrower and then the sound of people screaming in pain, shouting for someone to help them.

Adrien opened his eyes and got to his feet. He quickly got geared up and left his room.

He walked through the Park and noticed how people would tense up at his presence which was normal, but they seemed more panicked.

Recently the Ark had to be worked on since there seemed to have a malfunction so everyone on the Ark was relocated towards a friendly area that sounded all to familiar to Adrien.

Camp White oak. This place brought back a lot of bad memories.

He just noticed Yato looking in his direction and saw her body tense up as she looked around for someone. Adrien just remember something, since he was at Lungmen, both Nori, Yato, and Catapult were attacked on their last mission while he was at Lungmen.

So he decided to head over to her and make sure she is OK and maybe ask about what happened.

"Hey Yato, how you doing?" Adrien asked the female who jumped at his voice and turned towards him, the male can tell she was surprised by his sudden appearance even with the mask covering her eyes.

"Adrien! Uh, you scared me." The Rogue raised an eyebrow as Yato nervously looked around for something again.

"Ya... listen I heard what happened when I was at Lungmen, are you Rookies ok?" Yato jumped at what he said and looked even more nervous, Adrien can tell even with her mask she was having a major break down, that and her body language was a dead giveaway.

"We're OK, thankfully a... Division Agent saved us." Adrien narrowed his eyes at Yato's pause, but didn't question it.

"Well... remember what I said before?" Yato nodded her head.

Arknights: The Rogue Agent (The Division X Arknight) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now