We meet Again Sheriff

960 16 14

Advance: Been Busy with school, trying to keep those good grades.

Vanguard ran through the forest where the Hunters were last spotted. His Vector was held tightly in his hands as he vaulted over a fallen tree and pushed aside any shrubbery that got in his way.

The Rogue continued to run before finally coming to a stop near the edge of a forest. It was a wide open ahead and it was the perfect spot for hunters to use against any unspecting agents.

Vanguard crouched down and did a quick pulse knowing full well that if he did it, the Hunters will be alerted to his presence.

Reaching up he pressed on the pulse resting on the sleeve of his backpack. Not a moment later the scanner picked up four targets...

"SHD" Vanguard said quietly as he watched the Division Agents look around aiming the guns at everything. "Hm, if it isn't the Sheriff."

The Sheriff was female with brown hair and tan skin, she was wearing normal sneakers and brown pants. She was also currently wearing a black top with a blue Jacket on top.

By the looks of it she has gotten better gear over these two years Vanguard last seen her.

"Error: Unknow Enemy detected" ISAC said as a electrical smoke cloud appeared in front of the Division Agents. Even from far away the smoke was messing with Vanguard's watch.

The Rogue quickly hid behind a tree and tired to get ISAC working again. After a few moments he was able to get it working after tinkering with it.

Without thinking he did another pulse which allowed him to see 8 targets.

4 Hunters


4 Division Agents

Vanguard debating if he should just kill them all, but shook his head against it. That would be suicide, even if he was skilled doesn't mean he can take on a whole group of hunters. He also doesn't want to kill the SHD Agents.

Reason? Because he doesn't want to have a large bounty on his head for killing so many Division Agents and have even more SHD Agents after him.

Peaking around the tree he watched as both sides traded, sending out bullets, gadgets, grenades, and whatever else they had on them.

The Sheriff was constantly moving making sure to never be in the same place for long. The Hunters were having a difficult time trying to keep track of her location which was even more impressive.

Vanguard just watched silently at he frowned. Her skill would be a great thing if she went Rogue, but he heard over the comms how the Sheriff didn't listen to Keener's offers so trying to convince her would be pointless.

She killed Keener, he wanted revenge and so did many other Rogue Agents. And when she is out of the picture, that will be one less mindless puppet for the Division.

Vanguard reached into his backpack and pulled out a red glowing canister he made a while back. He stared at the grenade for a moment and watch the red gas swirl around inside the canister. He knew what Eclipse did and he was a bit suprised at what it can cause... so much destruction in this little thing.

Before he could toss it, someone grabbed his wrist stopping him from throwing it in the middle of the Firefight. Looking back alarmed he cursed himself for being absorbed in his thoughts. Vanguard blinked at what he saw.

Four Rogue Agents. They all stared at Vanguard with their weapons trained on the two group ahead of them still shooting at eachother.

The Rogue holding Vanguard's wrist let go allowing the male to stare at him. Vanguard felt like he has meet this person before, he looked so familiar to him.

Arknights: The Rogue Agent (The Division X Arknight) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now