Knowing your Agent

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Vanguard adjusted his new clothes and armor, then he checked the Division watches dangling off his armor to show he is not to be messed with. He fixed his helmet and readjusted his backpack which held even more Division watches.

(AN: Check the profile to see what Vanguard looks like, if you guys want a weapon and gear profile just ask)

After making sure everything is secure he walked out of his room which Amiya got for him a few hours after she woke up fully rested and the serum wore off.

As Adrien stepped out of the room some of the Operators nearby scattered, others kept their guard up around him, thinking he was about to lash out like a wild animal.

Vanguard shook his head, but would admit he probably do the same and started walking down the hall with no destination in mind. After a while the Agent stumbled apoun the Cafeteria again and decided to get some food.

With a silent nod, he walked inside and went straight towards the lunch line since it was still serving breakfast. Vanguard didn't spot the agents from yesterday which was a relief since he didn't want to be near them at all.

After grabbing his food he walked over to an unoccupied seat and sat down. All the Operators at that table quickly left leaving him to his lonesome which he prefers.

Vanguard pulled off his helmet and set it down on the table. He grabbed his utensils and started eatting his food. It wasn't the best food, but is also wasn't the wrost. Some pancakes with eggs and Bacon.

"Better then whatever they serve in those safe zones" Vanguard thought as he took a sip of Orange juice. That's when the male noticed someone was sitting infront of him. He looked up to see Jessica with a tray of food infront of her and a nervous look.

"Hello-" Vanguard cut off the girl by raising his hand.

"Vanguard, call me Vanguard" Jessica nodded a little shyly, which caused the Rogue to chuckle. "What brings you here Jessica?"

The girl looked up at the male then back down at her food. He would admit, that Jessica is probably the only person he trust at the moment along with Amiya.

"I just wanted to say hello and see how you are doing." Jessica mumbled a little quietly while the Agent nodded understanding her completely.

"Pretty good, unless you count everyone figuring out who you are and avoiding you like your a new type of virus" Vanguard said simply while Jessica looked up at him alarmed and a little confused.

Vanguard simply tapped on his glowing red watch which got out a little "oh" from Jessica.

"Was it... difficult to be a Rogue Agent?" Vanguard stayed silent. "I'm sorry for asking, I'll just go-" She squeaked when the Agent grabbed her hand stopping her from leaving. Other Operators were about to stop Adrien, but were held back by other fellow Operators.

"No, it's fine, but please stay and eat your food" Jessica nodded and sat back down. "And to answer your question, yes it was extremely difficult, because it was me against the world, SHD Agents would attack me on sight, and on a few occasions fellow Rogue Agents would attack me too" Jessica gasped while Vanguard took another bite of his food not at all bothered by it.

"Then... what was it like being a SHD Agent?" Vanguard couldn't help but smile at the thought. He would sometimes question if it was a good idea to go Rogue, but he knew the consequences and there was no turning back. Keener showed him the truth and he stuck with that truth.

Arknights: The Rogue Agent (The Division X Arknight) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now