The Scuffle

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Advance: Hey guys, sorry for the wait needed some inspiration and a guy that goes by the name of UnknownV1rus wrote a Division X Arknight story, helped me with that. His story gave me that motivation and inspiration, so thanks for that.

Angel: we recommend you check it out since it's their first story and I can see great potential in that story.

Devil: Now on with the chapter!


Vanguard and his squad enetered the tall building once again and saw Amiya with a aggravated look on her face, meaning something very annoying happened or she meet someone very annoying.

There was also another person beside Vanguard's sister. The Rogue assumed it was Kal'tsit and from the way she is looking at him didn't mean anything good.

Rhodes Island walked up to Vanguard and his group. Ch'en stood off to the side watching the interaction since by the looks of it Kal'tsit didn't know they had a Rogue at Rhodes Island.

"So your Vanguard?" Kal'tsit asked looking the Rogue Agent up and down but eyed his watch for the longest time.

"That is what I call myself." The Rogue said with a nod as he held onto his Vector tightly. Jack looked at Ch'en then back at the duo who was having a stare down.

"We have a mission." Kal'tsit said turning to Rhodes Island. "It's to retrieve someone that Reunion wants, we don't know why they want them, all we have to do is collect them and bring them back safely."

Adrien wasn't listen, because he was off in his own little world. "Vanguard." The Rogue looked to see Kal'tsit with irritated look. "You are watching over our Rookies, so I hope you keep them safe."

Adrien didn't respond only nod his head before he glanced at Liskarm who gave him a look that said it all. Kal'tsit walked away since she wasn't much of a fighter which was obvious, but why did Vanguard have this feeling that she was dangerous.

"Alright everyone let's move." Amiya said as they started to leave the building. However Adrien noticed that Ch'en wasn't following them making him sigh in relief, but he did notice that there were a few more people then what they came with, meaning they had a extra hand thanks to Lungmen.

Adrien was silent as he and his group followed close behind. The mission was to find a person that Reunion wants and nobody knows what they look like... great.

"Adrien." The Rogue looked at his sister who fell behind to walk beside him and breif him since she knew he prefers to hear it from his sister. "If you are wondering we aren't going In blind, we got some information that we can use thanks to another ally we have." Amiya said. The Rogue tilts his head, but still didn't say anything.

The Bunny sighed at his quietness and nudged him.

"Sorry, who is the ally?" Vanguard asked the Art user beside him a bit curious, because this "Ally" could give them false information and Adrien would prefer to know so he can avoid them at all cost.

"They're from a group called Penguin Logistics." Adrien blinked in suprise and a faint smile came up to his mouth before it dissapeared a second later. "Have you heard of them?"

Arknights: The Rogue Agent (The Division X Arknight) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now