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Advance: Apologies to those that are wondering, I'm changing the Doctor to be a male, once again I'm sorry, I feel like this is the right choice honestly. Also the Doctor's name is Jack Danies.

Angle: and apologies on taking so long, we've just been lazy and tried to set a deadline for ourselves...

Devil: And look how that turned out.


Adrien mowed down the Reunion with ease. His high caliber bullets was tearing through all of them quickly. Exusial stayed behind the Rogue as he continued to slowly move forward.

Whatever armor the Reunion was wearing is shredded to bits, it was useless, they could only turn and run away in fear, but even then they couldn't escape the constant hail of bullets.

After shooting for a few more seconds, Adrien stopped and stared at what he caused. Bodies littered the floor with blood pouring out of them like a fountain. The smell of death was in the air along with a bit of smoke and gunpowder.

He silently compact his minigun and strapped it too his back. Adrien looked around the carnage a little more before his eyes landed on a lone Reunion trying to stop the blood from pouring out of their many wounds.

"Poor bastard, they should have expected this." Exusial said shaking her head as Adrien approached the wounded Reunion.

The Rogue grabbed his D50 and aimmed it at the Reunion's head who noticed his presence and stared up at the Agent.

"Y-you, Rogue Agents are, MONSTERS!" The Reunion shouted In a feminine voice. However all she received was nothing, no response, just silence.

"I've already heard that many times before sweetheart." Adrien said plainly before putting a bullet in the Reunion's head. He put away his pistol and looked at Exusial who stared back at him.

"You definitely changed Adrien, but that's OK, your still the dangerous friend I know back at Penguin Logistic." Adrien blinked then shook his head. He walked past the Ranger and continued towards RI's location.

The duo were silent before a familiar voice was heard from Adrien's watch.

"Connect established with Rhodes Island communications." Adrien raised an eyebrow and looked at Exusial who was also trying to contact RI, but failing to do so, so it seems ISAC was able to connect.

"Hello?" Adrien said towards his watch, he was suprised to recieve an answer which was Amiya who sounded panicked, but the Rogue couldn't tell thanks to all the static.

"Adrien... trouble... skull... help..." Her voice was suddenly cut off making Adrien tense up and quickly started to pick up his pace. Exusial saw this and did so as well.

The Rogue ran down the street as he quickly grabbed his Vector and did a quick ammo count. He still had a couple of mags left and should make each shot count.

Glancing over to his companion Exusial was currently trying to contact someone and he could probably guess who it was.

Suddenly distant explosions were heard causing Adrien to snap forward and see smoke clouds In the distance. However it seems there are more Reunion heading to that location too since he spotted them running towards RI's location.

Adrien quickly grabbed his AR and started shooting the Reunion who were suprised by the sudden Rogue's appearance. Exusial was quick to shoot alongside the Rogue as they took down the panicking Reunion Members.

Arknights: The Rogue Agent (The Division X Arknight) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now