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Adrien groaned silently as he carried Exusial on his back through the slums trying to reach Rhodes Island. The Rouge glanced around the area making sure it was safe before gently setting the Ranger on the cold hard ground.

The Rogue leaned back against a building before wincing in pain. He reached down and grabbed whatever was causing him so much pain.

As he reached down he felt something sticking out of his side. Glancing down he saw a rebar sticking out of his side.

"God damit, I knew it was a dumb Idea, but it was the only one I had." Adrien whispered harshly to himself. With a deep breath he grabbed the metal bar and yanked it out getting the Rogue to grunt in pain.

Without thinking he reached into his pouch and tried to find a medical pen, sadly he couldn't find one, meaning he used his last one on the civilian.

So with a sigh he pressed on his watch before closing his eyed and waited

However as a few seconds passed nothing happened which caused Adrien to open his eyes and look around confused.

"Fixer Drone unavailable." The Rogue raised his eyebrow at what the AI said and tried again. "Fixer Drone unavailable, EMP Signature detected." Adrien frowned and quickly checked where the EMP signal was. After a few seconds he found it.

It was giving off a very high energy signature meaning the EMP must be massive to give off something as large as this.

With a quiet grunt he pushed off the wall and pressed his right hand against his wound. Adrien was about to trek towards the signature, but paused. He glanced at Exusial for a moment, but he already made his decision.

With a silent apology, he left Exusial behind so he can take care of the EMP Signature without having to worry about her getting hurt.

Adrien moved around carefully, making sure to keep his wounds in check since he still hasn't found anything to cover them.

As the Rogue continues to head towards the EMP he can hear voices pretty close by causing him to tense up.

"Man, why do we have to stand here?" Adrien quickly pressed his back against a building and peaked around the corner. "And why do we have to stand around and work with these freaks?" The person that was speaking is an Outcast carrying a red back against his hip, standing beside them was a another Outcast Member in heavy armor carrying a sledge hammer.

Beside the two Outcast were Reunion Members. One was a simple grunt while the other was completely in large black armor with a large shield in their right hand.

"Outcast and Reunion, a match made in heaven." Adrien mumble to himself. He crouched down before grunting in pain since the wound against his side reminded him of his condition. "Then again they don't seem to be cooperating that well together."

The Rogue watched as the Outcast glanced at the Reunion Members who glanced back at them.

"What are you taking about? We heard and seen what you lunatics done to people." The Reunion grunt said harshly. The Heavily armored Reunion stayed silent.

"And you have room to talk? You people attack anyone on sight who isn't infected or if they aren't on your side." The Outcast Grenader said back nearly butting heads with the Grunt.

Adrien took this chance to sneak past them since the EMP was past them meaning the Outcast and Reunion were the cause of this.

As he snuck past the four hostiles as best he could, the Rogue ran into more trouble. It was a bunch of snipers and crossbow users on the roofs. However Adrien noticed the tense atmosphere between the two groups making the male smirk since he could use this too his advantage and create some major chaos.

Arknights: The Rogue Agent (The Division X Arknight) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now