Old Friends

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Adrien quickly maneuvered through the slums. His feet barely hitting the ground as he slipped by the civilians that got in his way.

In all his times of being a Division or Rogue Agent he never pushed himself this much. Sure there were a few times and he wasn't in no rush, but now someone's life is on the line and those were people close to him.

Amiya, Liskarm and the Rookies were in there and he was going to bring them out alive, he made a promise on that.

Vanguard climbed a house and ran across the rooftop. The house creaked under his weight, but the Rogue ignored it.

He wasn't going to stop, there were Rogue Agents and Reunion fighting Rhodes Island and he wasn't sure how long they were going to last.

Adrien jumped and landed on a slightly taller building. He can hear gunshots in the distance along with a few explosions. The Rogue pushed himself even more, the wind pushing against him as he jumped onto another building.

His heart was pounding wildly in his ears as he reached the area and all he saw was a complete warzone. Both Reunion and Rogue Agents had Rhodes Island pinned down behind some rubble.

Vanguard saw many injured Operators and growled when he saw Amiya hiding behind Liskarm holding her arm as blood poured down it while the Guard kept her safe from any more harm.

Next he saw the Rookies all heavily injured making his anger rise. That's when he saw another familiar face. The red hair and halo was a dead giveaway.

Adrien reached behind him and grabbed two hives from his backpack. One was a dark purple while the other glowed a light green. He dropped the purple hive at his feet making the item send out a purple little needle which stabbed into the Rogue's arm making Adrien tense up as the Adrenaline inside the needle instantly kicked in.

"Overdrive protocol Activated." ISAC said as Vanguard jumped off the building and landed into a roll. He quickly threw the Restore hive at Rhodes Island before throwing down a seeker mine and a bombardier Drone which hovered beside him.

He grabbed his Vector off his backpack and started firing at any targets not behind cover.

Meanwhile with Rhodes Island, everyone was panicking since they were pinned down by both Rogue Agents and Reunion.

"It seems our Intel was wrong since there wasn't supposed to be Rogue Agents working with Reunion." A female with red hair said as she quickly peaked over a piece of rubble and started shooting at the Rogue Agents before getting behind cover again since bullets were starting to rain down on her.

"Don't worry Exusial, I don't think any of us would have expected this since Rogues usually work solo." Jack said before looking over their current situation trying to think of a strategy to get them out of this situation.

Pinned down by very dangerous enemies and another matter was that Adrien just vanished. But after that they found their target who is currently behind Amiya hiding from the constant fire of bullets.

Most Operators were down and some were near deaths door. The medics are trying their best to keep them alive, but these Rogues were ruthless unlike the Reunion. They were always one step ahead and this scared the Doctor.

The Doctor thought this was Adrien's doing, but that was washed away when a item flew over their heads and landed in the middle of Rhodes Island making everyone look at the item with confusion.

It glowed a soft green and everyone thought it was something dangerous. A click was heard and the green needls on the item flew off and flew over to all the heavily damaged Operators.

Arknights: The Rogue Agent (The Division X Arknight) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now