Side Report: Dream

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Dream was one of the Foundation's most extraordinary recruits. This wasn't just his ego, either, even thought George would fervently insist it so; Dream had been the youngest ever to be promoted to Level Three clearance, not to mention the whispers that he would soon be promoted to Level Four. When Dream first began directly working with SCPs, he was assigned to Site-083, and perhaps it was his ego speaking, but he thought himself fully capable and perhaps even over-qualified to deal with the sentient humanoids at the time.

He was quickly proven wrong.

"I know you can understand me SCP-0014." Dream tapped the microphone repeatedly, causing the shiny, reflective diamond boy on the other side of the glass to scrunch its nose at the disturbance. "Come on, just answer some of the questions, it'll make it easier on both of us." Dream huffed when the diamond man turned his back to the glass, rubbing his eyes, realizing that the lack of sleep from last night was most certainly not helping his case.

"We can either do this the easy way, or the hard way," Dream insisted, emerald eyes watching fascinated how the SCP's rocky surface shifted when it moved intently. "Answer what I need to know, and I'll see if I can get you something you want." The SCP paused, curling in on itself slightly where it sat on its bed.

"I want to go home," It muttered underneath its breath, so quiet that the microphones in the room barely picked up on it. Dream stiffened, unsure how to respond to this. He merely continued staring at the SCP, unsure how to proceed. Getting it to cooperate was so much more difficult than he had anticipated.

There was a soft rap at the door, causing Dream to whip his head around to see who had caused the disturbance. "Dr. Bloque, correct?" A tall, brown-haired man asked, already having invited himself inside with a soft smile adorning his face. Dream nodded stiffly, sheepishly turning away from the stare of his dark, blueish gray eyes. Dream huffed, continuing to stare down the uncooperative SCP.

"Mind if I give it a try?" The doctor asked, with a surprisingly soft tone considering how low his voice was, standing by Dream expectantly yet seemingly so amicable at once. Dream hesitated before awkwardly stepping aside for the other doctor, looking at him with his wide, green eyes as the doctor cleared his throat to speak with the diamond man.

"Hello there, my name is Dr. Eret," This 'Eret' figure said, speaking fluidly and warmly, Dream relaxing slightly and how friendly the voice seemed. "You're Zak Ahmed, correct? Sorry about Dr. Bloque; He's new around here, so don't worry yourself too much about him." Dream made a sound somewhat like a muffled choke, wanting to defend himself before being silenced Eret's peeved gaze.

"When can I go home?" The sound was quiet, Dream nearly having missed the hopeful voice over the cackling of the speakers. Eret's expression softening at the question. The diamond man turned around so that Dream could once again see its face, its eyes such a strange sight to look into. For a bunch of stone, it seemed almost sad.

"I'm afraid that's not possible," Eret admitted, sounding rather sad and hurt himself, as though the information was painful for him to say as well. "I hope you can understand why. We have to keep you out of the public, and if we let SCPs back out, well... Not all of them are as nice as you." The SCPs shoulders fell, clearly crestfallen, yet turned around fully for the doctors to see anyway.

"Yeah, yeah I... Understand," It breathed, sighing as it leaned back and slumped against the wall, clutching the fabric of the SCP uniform tightly as it hugged itself, looking up at the ceiling of its new containment cell solemnly. "I just- So this is it?" Its voice cracked on 'it', as though still not caught up with its new reality.

Dream felt a twinge of pity for it before quickly reprimanding himself with a scowl. Forty-eight percent of all Foundation staff deaths or injuries could be avoided by maintaining a distance with it and following the SCP-handling guidelines correctly. Rule One: No attachments to the SCPs. Although Dream didn't agree with all aspects of the protocol, per se, he still pursed his lips into a thin line as he continued to watch Eret with narrowed eyes. Eret pretended not to notice.

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