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Subject: SCP-1136

Class: Safe

Status: Detained

Threat Level: 3

Containment Level: 1

Classification: Humanoid

Age: Presumed to be between 14 and 16 years of age

Gender: Male

Height: 149CM/4'11

Weight: 46KG/102lbs

Blood Type: O+, AB+, AB-, B+, A+

Date of Birth: 02/17/■■■■

Origin: Canada, [REDACTED]

Abnormality: SCP-1136 is a patchwork of various human parts pieced together into a humanoid form, resembling something similar to 'Frankenstein's Monster'. Not including its organs, there appears to be seven different human parts that make up its exterior skin. Most of the parts are of different ethnicities and color, and seem to have no relation to each other. The merging of these parts is seamless, but definitely unnatural, as DNA and ethnicity tests conducted on it revealing that they are in fact from separate humans. The most noticeable of these distinct parts is the split in the middle of its face, the right half Caucasian, the left half Eastern African. It should also be noted that the different sections have different blood types circulating through them that change depending on which section it finds itself in.

It is unknown how SCP-1136 controls all of these distinct parts or even where it got them, but it is able to move them all seamlessly, despite the difference of length in some of its limbs. It appears as though it's brain is that of a child of undetermined age, somewhere between the ages of 14 and 16. It seems as though the brain is the only piece of SCP-1136 that originated from SCP-1136, the rest being added to it through unknown means and reasons.

Sentience: Subject displays capability for complex thinking and emotional intelligence typical of a human being. It has been administered an IQ test, scoring a 142.

Containment Info: SCP-1136 is to be placed in a standard humanoid cell with a double door system. No additional containment measures are required, and constant surveillance is not necessary. Should SCP-0014 wish to visit it, a Level Two staff member must oversee them.

Background: SCP-1136 is a Canadian male of unknown origin. It has somehow managed to attend virtual school, managing to pass off its strange agglomeration of human skins off as vitiligo, using its hacking skills to enroll itself. It understands both English and French, and speaks in ASL. It is unsure as to where it learned ASL, but it is fluent. It has no known parents or caretakers, seemingly having raised itself, saying that it was 'born' as a seven or eight year old, not an infant, already having excessive knowledge as to how to survive.

Capture: SCP-1136's school, [REDACTED] conducted a visit to its listed address, however, were obviously unable to locate both SCP-1136 and its parents. This garnered the attention of local law enforcement, who were eventually able to locate it in [REDACTED], Vancouver. It proceeded to attack the officers and flee, but it did not get very far before Squad-■■■ was able to apprehend it.

Testing: [No testing notes.]

01-■■: DNA samples were taken from the discernible seven sectors of SCP-1136's body. The results are as follows:

Sector One: Its right face, neck, shoulder, and upper torso, are from a Eastern European Caucasian male. O+
Sector Two: Its left face, neck, upper torso, and most of its upper back are from an Eastern African male. B+
Sector Three: Right Arm, excluding the ring and middle finger are from a Native American female. Most likely Inuit. AB+
Sector Four: Ring and middle finger of right arm, as well as lower left leg, are presumed to be from the same North African male. A+
Sector Five: Left arm and shoulder are from a Polynesian male. O+
Sector Six: Lower torso, some lower left back, and upper left leg are from a Latino male. O+
Sector Seven: Some lower back and right leg are from a Southeastern Asian female. AB-

03-■■: Subject was given various physical tests to determine its mobility, agility, and strength. Surprisingly enough, despite the difference in size between its limbs, it is incredibly fast, showing extreme agility alongside its intelligence. When it was released from its constraints for the experiment, it immediately proceeded to immobilize the guards through intentionally non-lethal means, alongside several scientists before attempting escape. It was promptly subdued and returned to its cell.

Additional Info: SCP-1136 is incredibly intelligent and talented in hacking, and appears to have no desire to kill, but has proven multiple times that it could if it so desired. The merging of the left and right half of its face is extremely well done on the outside, however, the inside of its mouth seems to have some issues. Its tongue is also split in half, with one side larger than the other, making it very difficult, if not impossible, for it to speak. It has not attempted speech in Foundation custody no matter how much it is encouraged to do so.

It should be noted that SCP-1136 is very similar to a human, its only real anomaly being how it is composed of what appear to be seven different humans, all from different areas of the world, not including its brain. Its left leg is slightly longer than its right, and its right arm is slightly longer than its left, although they are so similar the difference in length do not seem to affect it. Attempts to identify the humans have so far been to no avail. Its unexpected agility appears to be self-taught as well, and has stated that it is also very good with a sword. We still won't give it a sword, even if Dr. Z■■■■■ thinks it would be cool. We are also unsure as to where it would have even learned such a skill from.

As SCP-1136 has proven numerous times that it eager for escape, it is not permitted to wander the facility, despite its relatively low threat and containment status. Its hacking and fighting ability is also concerning, so it is unlikely it shall ever be permitted wandering status even should its attitude change. SCP-0014 has, surprisingly, managed to befriend it, and is allowed to visit its cell with a Level Two staff member overseeing them. Should it wish, it is allowed to visit the observation chamber for SCP-1136's room unaccompanied.

SCP-1136 tends to have an aggressive and sarcastic personality, often mocking its caretakers and SCP-0014, but tolerates it nonetheless, even seeming to enjoy its company. It has asked to be called 'Mega', and responds exclusively to it. It has attempted to attack SCP-0014 multiple times, all of which failing due to its anomalous structure. As of late, SCP-8811-2 has been granted access to the observation chamber as well, but is under no circumstances permitted to enter SCP-1136's cell.

It is unlikely that SCP-1136 will intentionally kill, but staff are advised to use caution when interacting face-to-face with it nonetheless, as serious injuries have occurred. Should SCP-1136 somehow manage to breach containment or kill a personnel, its status shall be updated accordingly.

UPDATE: SCP-1136 has been raised to Level Three Threat Level. See Incident 1136-■■-04 for details.

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