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Subject: SCP-8811-2

Class: Safe

Status: Detained

Threat Level: 1

Containment Level: 1

Classification: Humanoid

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Height: 193CM/6'4

Weight: 91.1KG/201LB

Blood Type: AB

Date of Birth: 4/2/■■■■

Origin: Unites States of America

Abnormality: SCP-8811-2 is the human 'interior' of SCP-8811, having a parasitic relationship with SCP-8811. With SCP-8811 having tired itself from controlling it, SCP-8811-2 behaves and looks much like a normal human, except for its eyes, which remain white.

Sentience: SCP-8811-2 displays capability for complex thinking and emotional intellegence typical of a human being.

Containment Info: SCP-8811-2 may be given some liberties with its containement. It is to reside in the same standard humanoid cell as SCP-8811 with more commodities, and may even wander the wing with the accompaniment of trusted staff. Should SCP-8811-2 display signs of losing its autonomy while outside its containment, it is to be immediately tranquilized and returned.

Background: SCP-8811-2 is an adult caucasian male from the United States named Darryl Noveschosch. It doesn't recall much of how it came into contact with SCP-8811, but remembers that it began suffocating it while it tried to sleep. SCP-8811-2 has been in a state of exhaustion during the period of time SCP-8811 had autonomy, 'waking up' every once in a while to try and kick it out [SCP-8811's fits].

Capture: SCP-8811-2 was revealed to be inside of SCP-8811 on ■■-■■-■■■■ after SCP-8811 lost control of it's body.

Testing: No further testing is to be done on SCP-8811-2 without consent from two level three staff from Project [REDACTED]. Dr. ■■■■■■'s clearance is no longer required.

01-■■: Subject cooperated with test, willingfully allowing SCP-8811 to regain autonomy of the body. It immediately returned and consumed SCP-8811-2's body again, lashing out at any personnel nearby. SCP-8811-1 was also extracted during this time, as requested by [REDACTED].

Problems arose when SCP-8811-2 was still not regaining control after an hour. Attempts to 'wake it up' were unsuccessful, SCP-8811 showing only mild distress and strain. SCP-0014 then began shouting at SCP-8811 over the intercom, and this surprisingly worked, SCP-8811-2 returning.

*All other tests performed on SCP-8811 and SCP-8811-2 require either Level Four or Project [REDACTED] security clearance. SCP-0014 and Dr. ■■■■■■ are no longer allowed to be present during its experiments either.

Additional Notes: SCP-8811-2, unlike its SCP-8811 counterpart, is extremely pleasant. It is generally cooperative with few exceptions, and has expressed a desire for no more tests. SCP-8811-2, while having both gun and knife knowledge and skill, has never demonstrated violence or aggression in any form. In fact, it mostly remains calm in heated situation, the most it has done being raise its voice at SCP-0014.

It should also be noted that SCP-8811-2 does not swear, and adamently refuses to do so, and has also worked with children with special needs before coming into contact with SCP-8811. Requests for SCP-8811-2 to be introduced to passive humanoids, specifically child ones, have yet to be approved.

SCP-8811-2 has stated that it does not wish to leave the facility due to SCP-8811, afraid of losing autonomy again, although it has stated that SCP-8811 and itself seemed to have switched places. It has quickly become friends with much of the staff, especially SCP-0014 after 'waking it up' twice now, along with Dr. ■■■■■■, who it has nicknamed 'Dream'.

SCP-8811-2 wears prescription glasses and is gluten intolerant, and as such, its food should either be gluten-free or produced by SCP-■■■. It has also been requested SCP-8811-2 receive therapetic treatement, as it seems to vividly remember injuring Dr. ■■■■■■ and killing a D-class personnel.



SCP-8811-2 has been asked if it has any knowledge of SCP-8811's origins or of SCP-8811-1's properties using a truth serum created by SCP-294. It knows nothing on either. It is administered Class-I amnestics before each experiment.

Project Possess-01: SCP-8811-2 was brought into testing and asked to bring out SCP-8811. It complied. SCP-8811-1 was then extracted, but not nearly as much as had been hoped. SCP-8811 reverted back to SCP-8811-2, in too much pain to continue. SCP-8811-2 seemed to be in similar distress, screaming for several minutes before being knocked unconscious, and was unable to bring SCP-8811 back out.

The rest of the Project Possess experiments bear similar results, even with the use of anaesthetics. Dr. Eret has taken the role of consoling it upon himself. More efficient methods of gathering SCP-8811-1 are being investigated, and it appears as though neither SCP-8811 or SCP-8811-2 remembers these experiments.

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