Side Report: Wilbur

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the rest of these are probably going to be more story based than file from now on

if you have any questions about anything, pls feel free to ask bc i did a shtty job of explaining bc i was doing this to just kill time before




Site-083 used to be fairly normal.

Wilbur had been assigned two SCPs on his first day the second he stepped into the West Wing on top of Fundy, so one could say he was already mildly distressed. But that was alright with him. He liked the constant rush of work anyway, and seeing as how most of the SCPs in the West Wing were generally peaceful, he had no qualms with the sudden workload. Compared to Site-046, the humanoids were actually quite harmless.

"I'll be back later today, alright Fundy?" He said to the fox that was still exploring his new cell, which had been designed more for human use than his previous one. "They gave me some other SCPs, so it'll take me a while to get settled in." The fox's joints started moving unnaturally, snout becoming shorter and head elongating. Soon enough, a young man sat in its place.

"Be careful, Wil," Fundy replied, still busy going through all the new features of his cell, but now with human thumbs. "See you tonight." Surprisingly, Fundy seemed to be taking the move a lot more calmer than Wilbur, hardly caring about the abrupt shift at all.

Wilbur had to admit he was a little jealous of his attitude, but then again, he supposed this site was more or less the same for Fundy, seeing as how he'd merely be stuck in a different room to pass the time than Site-046. And while Wilbur was more than grateful to transfer alongside what had now become one of his closest friends to a much, much safer site, it still hurt a little to say goodbye to the 'Soot House', as they called themselves.

And so Wilbur made his way throughout the unfamiliar halls, heading towards SCP-7360's containment cell, his latest charge. Wilbur had read up on its files on the flight over, and it seemed to be an overall easy first job for his first day. It was already contained, tested, and generally non-hostile, so Wilbur supposed the only thing he had to do with it for today was meet his partner and do the a shit ton of paperwork before he moved on to SCP-7880.

"Need help?" Came a casual voice from behind. It sounded rather raspy and quite frankly a little teasing, but Wilbur appreciated the sentiment behind it nonetheless. His jet-lagged state was prepared for a fellow scientist when he turned around, or at least a human being. Instead, he was greeted with the sight of a completely diamond-shaped man, they're grin only widening upon hearing Wilbur's yelp of surprise.

"SCP-0014," The diamond man said cheerfully, extending his hand out for Wilbur to shake. "But you can call me Skeppy." He wore the usual white SCP uniform, the logo on his hoodie having been drawn over with sharpie so that it was replaced by a strange, blocky face. His eyes were literally sparkling as he looked Wilbur over, 'hair' styled upward into a somewhat fashionable way. His wide grin was a little hard for Wilbur to distinguish against the rest of his lustrous face, just like all his other features, but Wilbur eventually overcame his mild, tiredness induced shock.

"Nice meeting you Skeppy," Wilbur said, going for a smaller smile of his own as he shook the SCPs hand. "I'm the new doctor from Site-046, Wilbur Soot. You can just call me Wilbur if you'd like."

He was perhaps a little stiff, but the notion of having SCPs free to wander the facility still didn't sit quite right with him, even if this one had been deemed completely safe. Perhaps it was because he worked in a site where even the 'safest' SCPs were always out for blood, or because he simply hadn't gotten to know Skeppy that well yet. Now that Wilbur had finally met him he didn't seem all that bad, although his files did say he was a bit of a troller, and judging by this first introduction, Wilbur couldn't help but already agree.

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