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Subject: SCP-404

Class: Safe

Status: Detained

Threat Level: 1

Containment Level: 2

Classification: Humanoid

Age: 23 Yrs [128 Yrs]

Gender: Male

Height: 175 CM/5'9"

Weight: 66.7KG/147LB

Blood Type: A

Date of Birth: November 1st, 1892

Origin: English

Abnormality: Subject appears to be, for all intents and purposes, immortal. When SCP-404 dies, its body will dissolve into smoke and reawaken in a seemingly random location. No part of its body will remain after dissolving, even if it is disconnected. SCP-404 has stopped aging and remains to appear 23 years of physical age, the age of its first death.

Sentience: Subject displays capability for complex thinking and emotional intellegence typical of a human being.

Containment Requirements: Standard humanoid cell. Requested commodities may be given with Dr. ■■■■■■'s permission for that of an average human being. A tracker must be secured on SCP-404 at all times. No items that could be used to kill oneself should be allowed in proximity to SCP-404.

Background: SCP-404 is a caucasian male of average height and English background, demonstrating all traits of an average human being. The only documentation of SCP-404 is a 1915 death certificate from WWI, where SCP-404's first death occurred in battle. It made its way back to England sometime during 19■■, where it has lived ever since under the several aliases, almost all including the given name George.

Testing: Since SCP-404's ability affects its clothes as well, suggestions to attach a tracking device to it has proven successful, but even so, Level One testing with SCP-404's is to remain minimal, for both fear of a containment breach and its mental health.

01-■■: Blood, bone marrow, DNA, spinal fluid, hair, and various other samples were taken and analyzed, but no extraordinary features were found, all appearing to be that of an average human. Subject's right arm was amputated, and was then killed using [REDACTED], and all of the specimins vanished as well, alongside the arm. SCP-404 was quickly and efficiently recovered from Haiti, still unconcious from the anaesthesia. No scars from the incident were present.

06-■■: Samples were taken and analyzed again, revealing them to be exactly the same as before. A serum using the samples was then administrated to a D-Class personel, who collapsed in a seizure, and their corpse was recovered from Belarus. Various other serums were experimented with, all ending with the same result.

Capture: SCP-404 was discovered after a car accident on ■■-■■-20■■ in London, England, where it was hit and promptly killed, before vanishing into smoke in the middle of the street. SCP Foundation researchers ■■■■■■ and ■■■■ discovered the identity of SCP-404 [George ■■■■■-■■■■■■■■■] and pursued reports of the sudden appearance of an English male in Singapore, confirming that the man's identity was the same as Mr. ■■■■■■■■'s corpse. It was promptly captured and brought to Foundation custody.

Additional Notes: SCP-404 is stubborn, expressing its displeasure with Dr. ■■■■■■ and the Foundation frequently, asking for freedom almost daily. It will usually comply with requests, but will often complain while doing so, and will typically only respond when addressed to as 'George' or a similar name, refusing to respond to SCP-404. Has tried to breech containment 17 times as of 08-■■-■■■■, all of which failing before Dr. ■■■■■■ caught it.

SCP-404 is colorblind and has expressed a desire for more company. Interestingly enough, despite its age and era of birth, its mentality most closely resembles that of a modern 23 year old, but when asked about this, it insisted that it is extremely mature. It then proceeded to make fun of Dr. ■■■■■■'s mask again.

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