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Subject: SCP-7360

Class: Euclid*

Status: Detained

Threat Level: 6*

Containment Level: 2*

Classification: Humanoid

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Height: 193CM/6'4

Weight: 89KG/198lbs

Blood Type: AA [Swine]

Date of Birth: 6/1/■■■■

Origin: United States of America, California

*Subject to change

Abnormality: SCP-7360 is a humanoid with some pig features, including its blood, large canines, floppy ears, and hooves in place of feet. Should it revert to its aggravated state, its skin shall become pink, and its human features will instead be replaced with a snout, and fingers will mold into claws. In this form, SCP-7360 will go on an uncontrollable rampage, killing all those in sight. It has no control over itself in this form, and is close to unstoppable, only able to calm down after having reached a sufficient level of 'blood for the blood god'. The more blood it consumes the more powerful it becomes, and after several experiments utilizing D-Class personnel, it has been noted that its invulnerability seems to have increased. Other notable side effects from these rampages include, but are not limited to: Overall strength, agility, speed, vision, smell, intelligence, and size.

Sentience: Subject displays capability for complex thinking beyond that of an average human being, displaying incredible intelligence. It also displays adequate human emotional intelligence.

Containment Info: Two copies of a standard humanoid cell are to be allotted for SCP-7360 to alternate between. They are to be fitted with concrete walls at least three feet thick. An additional foot of reinforced steel is to be added in the event that SCP-7360 attempts a containment breach. Nitrous oxide vents are to be installed, able to dispel thrice the amount than a standard vent. The door to its cells is to be reinforced with concrete and steel, and under no circumstance is it to be opened during a rampage. Should SCP-7360 breach containment, at least twenty D-Class personnel are to be introduced to it.

UPDATE: Thirty D-Class personnel.

Background: SCP-7360 appears to have been a regular human sometime before its twentieth birthday, with the name Dave [REDACTED]. It had been raised in [REDACTED], California, attending [REDACTED] to become an English major. Its transformation was not severe enough for others to notice at the time.

Capture: On ■■/■■/2019, SCP-7360 was one of the victims of an armed robbery involving a hostage situation, eventually leaving mostly unharmed, although several of its fellow hostages ended up severely injured or dead. One injured hostage's blood ended up being inhaled by SCP-7360, who proceeded to transform and attack the captors with seemingly no control of itself, effectively killing all but one of them, who later died in the hospital. According to eye-witness testimonies, it then began to consume the blood of the captors, causing its canine teeth to grow significantly and skin to turn pink. It was preparing to attack the hostages as well before the Foundation intervened, subduing it with much difficulty and two losses of Foundation personnel.

Testing: Testing on SCP-7360 is to be extremely limited and minimized, and if possible, avoiding any possibility of SCP-7360 consuming any type of blood so as to not increase its power.

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