
3.1K 141 222

Subject: SCP-0014

Class: Safe

Status: Detained

Threat Level: 1

Containment Level: 0

Classification: Humanoid

Age: 20

Gender: Referred to as Male

Height: 172CM/5'8

Weight: 175KG/385lbs [this was so hard to calculate pls appreciate it]

Blood Type: N/A

Date of Birth: 01/17/■■■■

Origin: United States of America, [REDACTED]

Abnormality: SCP-0014 is a sentient, humanoid-shaped collection of diamonds. It has full control over them, and as such, can both move and speak by moving the required chunks to move as desired. It can also alter its appearance and form, although it requires much energy, which surprisingly enough, is obtained through consuming carbon or carbon-rich materials. It appears to be mostly indestructible, apparently only able to be harmed by other diamonds, although it is able to 'heal' itself by smoothing over the imperfections. There have been instances of other SCPs injuring it, although none have been severe. It is also noteworthy that SCP-0014 does not require as much sleep as the average human, instead napping for a few hours every week or so.

Sentience: Subject displays capability for complex thinking and emotional intelligence typical of a human being.

Containment Info: Subject is allotted a standard humanoid cell, but is allowed to wander the facility freely, with certain restrictions. Given its teasing nature, SCP-0014 is permitted to be only in Level One clearance sectors and of course, no admittance into any SCPs cell, with the sole exception being for testing. SCP-0014 must remain within the West Wing, and should it be found wandering or attempting to go to any other area, its privilege shall be immediately terminated. A tracking device is not required, but should any Foundation member have any suspicion of SCP-0014 planning on leaving the West Wing, one will be appointed. If SCP-0014's 'pranks' go from teasing to harmful, then its privilege shall be terminated. For any questions regarding SCP-0014's privileges, please consult Dr. ■■■■■■.

UPDATE: After the incident with SCP-1048, all SCPs granted permission to wander the Foundation are now required to wear tracking devices.

Background: SCP-0014 claims it has lived in several areas of the United States, including California and Texas. Using SCP-2669's power's, SCP-0014 was able to assimilate itself into human society, making a name for itself as a small Minecraft Youtuber before being discovered. It lived under the alias Zak Ahmed, having attended school ever since it met SCP-2669 at the age of [REDACTED] at [REDACTED]. Despite its late start, it displays average intelligence, even planning on attending college before being discovered. It is unsure of how it was created, describing its first memory as mostly hazy, but from sometime around the age of four. Other than this, SCP-0014 has lived a normal life.

Capture: SCP-2669 fell asleep during one of SCP-0014's 'streams', revealing SCP-0014's true form to its viewers. Despite trying to pass it off as a joke, the Foundation soon became aware of both of their existence, promptly capturing SCP-0014. The Foundation was unable to locate SCP-2669.

Testing: Given SCP-0014's nature and anomaly, it is frequently used in several experiments. SCP-0014 may be asked to be used in any experiment regarding other SCPs, but Dr. ■■■■■■'s permission is recommended.

Note: SCP-0014's Testing Log will be kept brief, excluding its Level 6 experiments. For a full list of SCP-0014's Testing, please consult 0014-■■-■■.

01-■■: Subject was asked to try and break a diamond. It complete the task by biting it, causing it to shatter. It proceeded to eat it. We weren't quite sure what we expected to happen, honestly.

03-■■: A chunk of SCP-0014's finger was cut off using [REDACTED], and while it claimed no physical pain, it flinched, describing it as more of an 'itch'. The chunk was analyzed, but it appeared to have no anomalous qualities in of itself, although the subject did make it particularly difficult by causing the specimen to wiggle every so often, although this effect seems to diminish exponentially the farther away it is. The furthest it has managed to move the specimen has been four and a half meter [15ft].

SCP-0014 has encouraged us to keep the specimen, growing another finger after consuming a particularly large portion of carbon. It has explained that something similar had happened before, but seemed unwilling to explain, simply stating that he could eat the chunk if desired.

01-■■: Subject was placed in a blast furnace able to reach the necessary 760º Celsius [1400º Fahrenheit]. No cameras or audio was able to be recorded of the experiment due to the impossibly high temperatures, so this recording is based off SCP-0014's word.

SCP-0014 claims that it had never truly felt changes in temperature before now, and has expressed an intense desire to never repeat it. It claims that it felt as though it were 'smoking', which is more than likely, given that regular diamonds at 765 degrees Celsius will simply burn up and vanish. It consumed much more carbon than usual, even going as far as to take a deep slumber after the experiment.

06-■■: SCP-0014 was introduced to SCP-■■■■, who attempted to break or shatter its diamond form. After several attempts, it was proved unsuccessful, resulting in SCP-0014 tiring itself out.

[REDACTED]-■■: [This experiment has been since REDACTED and any attempt to access the information from this experiment without Level Four clearance will be met with immediate disciplinary action.]

Additional Info: SCP-0014 responds mostly to 'Skeppy', but will also respond to Zak or Mr. Ahmed, and even SCP-0014, although with noticeable distaste. It finds it funny to be called 'Skeppy-14', referring to how when pronouncing SCP as a word it resembles his online username. It is generally positive and friendly, however it does occasionally give staff attitudes, ranging from completely immature to cold, although these seem to be mostly jokes. It's most notable friendships within the Foundation are with Dr. ■■■■■■, SCP-7360, and SCP-1136.

SCP-0014 will occasionally pull 'trolls' on staff. It has been asked not to do more of these that involve the implication of a containment breach, and has so far complied.

SCP-0014 has been in Foundation custody for an extended period of time, and as such has been permitted to wander the West Wing, and has only attempted to breach containment only once on its first day. It is friends with most of the staff of the West Wing, and even some of the SCPs housed there. It is mostly compliant with experimentation, especially Level 6 experiments. The only exception is experiment 01-■■.

SCP-0014 typically enjoys following around scientists and doctors as they perform their routines, oftentimes assisting them should they ask, although it has said that it only follows the ones it thinks will be the most 'interesting'. It has expressed a longing for the outside world, yet understands that it is required to remain in the Foundation. It has also told staff that it misses it companion, SCP-2669, but when asked about its possible whereabouts, refused to say.

 UPDATE: After the introduction to SCP-8811-2, SCP-0014 has taken a liking to it, and the pair have become close to inseparable. Observations indicate that SCP-8811-2 seems to genuinely wish to be friends with SCP-0014 despite its intense trolling with it, which is much more severe and playful than with any other staff or SCP. Neither SCP seems to be aware of [Level Four Clearance Required].

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