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Subject: SCP-7880-A

Class: Safe

Status: Detained

Threat Level: 3

Containment Level: 1

Classification: Humanoid

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 190CM/6'3

Weight: 80KG/ 177LB

Blood Type: Hemolymph

Date of Birth: 5/9/■■■■

Origin: England

Abnormality: SCP-7880-A obtained its anomolous qualities when it was administrating SCP-7880's bi-weekly supply of insulin. SCP-7880 injected it with what is believed to be a variant of its venom directly to its left ventricle, causing it to begin a rapid transformation.

SCP-7880-A displays some of SCP-7880's qualities, such as antannea, enlargened eyes, deformed wings, stingers on its fangs and fingers, and an exoskeleton. It lacks the hive system present in SCP-7880's body, as well as the fuzz that covers its body. It appears to remain mostly human, and is immune to smoke, but does seem to no longer require sustenence, similar to SCP-7880.

All of its organs seem to have remained the same, although it appears as though it no longer has use for most of them anymore. It has been noted that its venom is less potent than SCP-7880's but significantly greater than SCP-7880-1's, and while SCP-7880-A appears to be a part of SCP-7880's swarm system, it itself seems to have no other role than to accompany and protect SCP-7880, the other bees largely ignoring it.

Sentience: SCP-7880-A seems to have retained its human intelligence, although like SCP-7880, it will revert to animal instincts in given situations. It is uncertain how much of its emotional intelligence was altered, but it appears to have remained the same.

Containment Info: SCP-7880-A is to remain in the same cell as SCP-7880, but a nitrous oxide vent should be installed. No other accomadations are necessary.

Background: SCP-7880-A was an eleventh-grade English adolescent male named Thomas ■■■■■■ with no significant qualities, being brought into Foundation custody and made into a D-Class personnel on ■■-■■-■■■■. It was in custody for nearly three months when it was sent to SCP-7880's cell, where its transformation occured. It is unknown as to why SCP-7880 took a liking to it.

Capture: Was already in Foundation custody.

Testing: Testing with SCP-7880-A is unadvised. The same rules as SCP-7880 are to be put into effect.

03-■■: SCP-7880 was smoked and SCP-7880-A was gassed, and were promptly separated. Upon awaking, SCP-7880 began crying and screaming, noteably worse than when its bees had been separated. SCP-7880-1ー4 began displaying similar behavior during test 03-■■.

SCP-7880-A appeared confused upon awaking, searching for SCP-7880. Upon discovering its separation, it began screaming threats and profanities at the scientists, eventually beginning to cry similar to SCP-7880 after a half hour.

When returned, and SCP-7880 and SCP-7880-A hugged for approximately five minutes, the swarm returning to their usual duties.

03-■■: Test 03-■■ was attempted again, although this time SCP-7880-A was alerted beforehand and that it would be swiftly returned. SCP-7880 displayed similar results to before, although it did wait nearly a minute before lashing out. SCP-7880-A, however, while clearly anxious and sad, waited nearly forty-five minutes before crying.

Bees had been introduced to SCP-7880-A during the separation, although neither seemed to care for the other, and they remained normal bees.

01-■■: More bees were introduced, with no difference to results before SCP-7880-A.

03-■■: SCP-7880, SCP-7880-1ー4, and SCP-7880-A were all separated. SCP-7880 immediately collapsed from despair, SCP-7880-1ー4 and SCP-7880-A displaying more panicked responses from their previous testing, SCP-7880-A going as far as to try to breach containment in an attempt to reach SCP-7880. It was successfully stopped and all instances of SCP-7880 were reunited.

Additional Notes: SCP-7880-A retains its ability to speak, read, and converse with humans, although now does so minimally. It's only priority seems to be SCP-7880, and threatened anyone entering the cell, including doctors ■■■■■■ and ■■■■, who had been on good terms with SCP-7880, deeming them a threat to SCP-7880. After Dr. ■■■■ became friends with SCP-7880-A as well, it seems to have calmed down, although remains overly-protective of SCP-7880.

SCP-7880 has been more relaxed in SCP-7880-A's presence, having calmed down its hostility significantly, and the same effect seems to apply to both its swarm and SCP-7880-A once it senses that SCP-7880 is not in immediate danger. Should it sense danger, however, it will show no mercy to the offender. SCP-7880-A is now responsible for administering SCP-7880's insulin bi-weekly.

SCP-7880-A, like SCP-7880, seems to enjoy doctors ■■■■■■ and ■■■■'s company, and will at times engage in conversation for the both of them, although it does assist SCP-7880 with speaking should it desire to try, having stated that they share something similar to a hive mind, but did not elaborate further. It also refers to SCP-7880 as 'Tubbo', and only responds to 'Tommy', and has refered to Dr. ■■■■■■ as a 'green bastard' on several occasions. Dr. ■■■■ has been asked not to use the term multiple times.

Addemendum: Three weeks after SCP-7880-A's transformation, it suddenly collapsed, and in a fit of desperation, SCP-7880 tore a piece of its hive system out of its body, attempting to force feed SCP-7880-A its honey. Almost all its bees began writhing, the event sending them in extreme pain. Dr. ■■■■ entered the cell, and despite approaching SCP-7880 rapidly and with no protective wear, was not stung. It attempted CPR to no avail.

Dr. ■■■■■■ then entered the cell with regular honey brought in from the cafeteria, force feeding it to SCP-7880-A similar to how SCP-7880 attempted to feed it. SCP-7880-A awoke after several minutes. This has been named incident 7880-■■-20.

Adjustments to SCP-7880's cell have been made, seeing as how SCP-7880-A is incapable of consuming its necessary honey without significantly injuring SCP-7880.

An apiary has been installed, and a small portion of SCP-7880-1 and SCP-7880-2 now resides in it, though they still treat SCP-7880 as their queen. The honey produced by the apiary is to be given to SCP-7880-A, although a small portion is also given to doctors ■■■■■■ and ■■■■ by SCP-7880-A, seemingly out of appreciation.

SCP-7880-A is now stable and healthy.

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