Chapter 67

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Amanda's POV

" He knows that she's gone but I don't think he'll go looking for her because I managed to fill his head with some nonsense." I heard a man say but their voice was still unclear because of my head still spinning.

" Good , how's Jr's search going ?" I heard DeCarlo's voice ask. I opened my eyes slightly and came face to face with the ceiling. I turned to my side and I was met with Jr's beautiful little face with a pacifier in his mouth .

" Baby

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" Baby ." I whispered pulling him close to me, silently sobbing.

" Don't worry about that, he's totally off track . Did she do all of this ? If so then you're loosing your touch brother ." I heard the same voice as before say followed by a chuckle that I knew oh so well . I sat up on the bed with Jr in my arms, I looked at the sight before me in disbelief.

" She's awake ! Hey, Can I hold him ?  " he said with a smirk on his lips.

" She can't deny you that, he is your godson after all ." DeCarlo interjected.

" H-How could you  ?" I whispered wrapping my arms protectively around Jr .

" Well... Let's just say that everybody has a price." he said coldly and him and DeCarlo laughed as if he said the funniest thing.

" YOU BETRAYED HIM FOR MONEY ?!"  my ears must be deceiving me, I stared at him in disbelief.

" Hey ! It's a lot of money. " DeCarlo said scoffing.

" See, I love Leonardo, honestly I do but he betrayed me first ! Me and him always did things together, business wise, he involved me in everything but lately he's been so stuck up Luciano's ass, he barely even talks to me. It was good while it lasted Amanda but if he isn't going to give me what I want then I'll seek somewhere else .  "  he said with a shrug and a grin in his face.

" HE'S YOUR FUCKING BESTFRIEND MASON ! "  I screamed at him and he scoffed, DeCarlo laughing .

" No no no Amanda sweetheart , he was my bestfrien--matter of fact you know what ? I actually liked Leonardo, like a lot but as we all know, he doesn't swing that way so I settled on being his bestfriend but that doesn't mean I was happy or pleased with the situation . " he said in a low tone.

" What's that got to do with my SON ?! " he laughed heartily before taking slow steps towards the bed.

" It has everything to do with you and your children. Although I was his bestfriend, I still had his undivided attention but that's until your black ass came into the picture along with those three little devils of yours." he said stopping at the bottom of the bed. My eyes went from him to DeCarlo.

" Can we please leave ? " I said almost pleading at him.

" Oh please don't leave because of me, just pass me my godson and I'll leave you two to it. " Mason said with sarcasm, reaching his hands out to grab Jr but I glared at him pulling Jr closer to me.

" You might want to pass him that baby mami  because yo-- " DeCarlo was cut off by an explosion . I screamed covering Jr protectively.

" WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ? " DeCarlo asked looking at Mason .

Oh I know who it is !

Leonardo's POV

" Mia do you copy ? " I whispered over my radio and shortly after Mia replied.

" Yes I'm here."

she said over the radio.

" How is it looking from the rooftop ?" Luciano's voice came through the radio.

" There's about ten guards by the entrance, four guarding the gates and six by the door and they are all armed." 

Mia said nearly out of breath.

" There's no way we're going in there without making noise. " Luciano said looking at me to give the next instruction, I sighed looking away.

" Did anyone manage to reach Mason ? He needs to be here.  " I questioned while peeking through the bushes to get a better look at the entrance.

" No sir , his phone is going straight to voice mail. " Rubi said holding her AK-47 close to her.

" He's a grown man, he can worry about himself. "

  Mia said and I knew for a fact that she just rolled her eyes.

" Agreed ." Luciano said.

" Stop ! All of you, we have bigger things to worry about right now. Mia see if you can take out the guards by the gate, we'll take care of the others. " my father interjected.

" Easy peasy..."

Soon bodies started dropping like flies, all head shots.

"They're out."

Mia said and I motioned for everyone to follow me but stay low.

" We don't know how many people are in there, let's save our bullets." I said looking at the huge mansion before us.

" Grenade it is then ." Luciano said with a huge grin in his face. Luke took one off his strap and threw it to Luciano who easily caught it.

" Luciano wait ! You all remember what I said before we left right ? No soldier is left behind , be safe and  cover each other at all times. I know I barely say this but I appreciate you guys, you're all part of the Reigns family and thank you for being here . Remember to be cautious and safe and whoever gets to Amanda and Junior first, take them and leave, got that ?! "  I heard a few 'yes boss'

" Go ahead Luciano. " I said steadying myself .

" Brace yourselves ! "

" Greetings motherfucker ! " Luciano ripped out the pin and threw the grenade towards the entrance.

" You might want to cover your ears. " Luciano said seconds before the bomb went off.


" LET'S GO ! LET'S GO ! LET'S GO !" I yelled as we all ran to the now smoky entrance.

Hold on cara !


I should officially be crowned as the Queen of cliffhangers, I mean nobody does it like me and that's on PERIODTTTT ! 🤣 I love y'all


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