Chapter 26 : Russia

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Amanda's POV
(Monday MORNING x 08 :22 AM)

"Are you guys serious ? Does mom even know? Well she must know since they took y'all for a picnic. Send me the pictures, I want to see " I said shocked. I was currently on the company's private jet, going through some  files while on FaceTime with my  sisters, Lisa and Melisa the twins . They were telling me about their white 'twin ' boy friends they met at one of their dance classes.

"Mom doesn't know and we're definitely not telling her and neither will you , you know how she is . Besides we fee-- I feel like me and Kyle, we're still getting to know each other so it's not official yet. We both agreed to take things slow,  I don't know about her and Kevin  " Lisa said shrugging before looking at Melisa

" We're also taking it slo-- I don't know, Kevin is giving me mixed emotions,one minute he's so into me and the next minute he's pushing me away. I don't know what's up with him, he just can't... express his feelings. He can't open up to me no matter how much I try , I don't know what to do " Melisa said breathless with tears threatening to come out. Her situation with ' Kevin' is the same as mine and Leonard- well not really but it was similar in some ways .

" I don't know what to tell you Melly except for ' give him time ', let him adjust, he's probably new at this."  I said getting up from the bed I was sitting in and walked towards the front of the jet.

"Yea, that could be the case but we'll just have to wait and see" she said shrugging. My sisters were growing so fast and it saddens me that I can't be with them when they go  through or experience such stuff .

"I'm still shocked at the fact that you guys have a ' love life'  waaaay before me, it's so bizarre " I said pouting as they laughed their ass off, I guess that's it for the day with these two.

"It's not funny, keep laughing and I'll tell mom about your love interests" they instantly stopped laughing causing me to burst out laughing, " You guys have to get to school " I said before sliding in one of the chairs, looking out the window, the rain was still pouring hard.

"Have a good time in Russia ! And we love you sis " Melissa said while blowing me kisses

"I'll SEND YOU THE PICTURES" I heard Lisa shout in the background

"I doubt if I will but I'll talk to you guys later when I land, I love you" I blew kisses at them before ending the call. I stood up and went to the food section of the jet to make me a cup of coffee.

"Morning" Leonardo said as he walked into the jet, scaring the shit out of me.

"Jesus Leonardo,usandinyengerere zvakadaro" I said with my hand on my chest, I tend to speak in Shona when I'm pissed or serious.

"Want to translate that neonata ? "  he said sounding amused with one of his eyebrows arched

"Care to translate that ? "  I asked leaning on the counter, he chuckled before sliding onto the chair opposite the one I was previously sitting in.

"We have a meeting when we lend, let's get to work" he said going back to his usual cold self, dang! His moods change fast as hell .

"Yea, let's get to it " I said before walking towards him, this is going to be one long flight.

(07:01 PM ) x Russia

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