Chapter 29

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Amanda's POV

A cold breeze brushed upon my naked legs, causing me to shiver. I pulled the black silky covers up in attempt to cover myself but I still was cold. I growl before sitting up and rubbing my eyes, the doors in the room which led to the balcony were wide open and the curtains were flying because of the wind and the bright light of the moon entered the room. I turned to look beside me, where Leonardo was previously sleeping and the spot was empty,he must be the one on the balcony. After dinner, me and Leonardo went to sleep on the same bed,although we were tipsy we didn't do anything but cuddle.

I looked at the beautifully decorated clock on the wall and it read 01:07 AM, what the heck was Leonardo doing outside at this time of the night ?! He could've at least closed the door behind him. I stood up from the bed and pulled the oversized shirt down and walked towards the balcony. Leonardo's shirtless back was facing me as he leaned on the railing, his toned back muscles moving everytime he made small actions such as breathing. I was about to ask him what he was doing outside but he spoke before I did.

"Happy Birthday my precious little girl, yet another birthday I can't celebrate with you but I know your mommy is there with you, catering to you. Daddy misses you so much my la mia, you, your mother and brother. Not a day goes by that I do not think about you guys.  " what the hell ?!  He has a whole fricken family? How could I be so stupid ? So naive ?

" I am so sorry for failing you and our kids Tania, please forgive me. If I could I would sacrifice my life just to bring you all back to life. I hate myself every time for what I did, I shouldn't have left you guys alone. If I were a better father and husband then you guys would be alive. I'm sorry , Ti amo con tutto in me  "  he says before collapsing to the wooden floor, that's when I noticed the empty bottle of whiskey. I quickly rushed to him and he was breathing but unconscious, probably because of the amount of alcohol he was consuming. I stood beside him not knowing what to do but I had to get him sober as soon as possible. He was too heavy for me to carry to the bathroom so I held on to his ankles and dragged him into the bathroom which was connected to his room.

"Dang Leonardo, why did you do this to yourself ? " I mumbled as we entered the bathroom, I left him on the bathroom floor and opened the shower doors and turned on the cold water before stepping out. I went back to Leonardo's unconscious body and grabbed his arms and dragged him into the shower, careful not to bump his head. I put him under the freezing water, getting wet in the process. He slowly started to gain consciousness and attempted to move away from under the water.

"Cold" he mumbled with his eyes still closed, I got into the shower and pulled him back under the water with me. I rubbed his scalp in attempt to calm him down.

"I know it's cold but it's for your own good Leonardo, just a few more minutes and we will be out." I reassured him as he laid his head on my chest, holding on to my waist.

"Just a few more minutes" I said softly as I rocked us back and forth.

" I failed my daughter Amanda, I failed my son . I didn't even get to meet my son, I didn't want them to die Amanda" I held him as he cried in my arms, I could feel him crumbling in my arms. I have never seen him so vulnerable and emotional, it broke my heart to see him like this.

"I know you didn't, I know" I said before turning the water off and stood up, slipping out of Leonardo's grip.

"Come on buddy, you need to work with me on this one." I said as I helped his stand up. We walked out of the shower and I set him on one of the couches in the bathroom before removing his drenched clothes one by one until he was butt naked, it's not anything I haven't seen before.  I lotioned him to avoid him getting ashy  and covered him with a robe while I left to get him clothes to wear. I walked into his closet and grabbed boxers, sweatpants, socks and a hoodie. I ran back into the bathroom and thankfully he didn't fall over because he still was a little bit drunk. I removed the robe and started getting him dressed, it was a hard mission. After getting him dressed I dried his hair with a towel and hairdryer so he couldn't catch a cold. After that I helped him into the bed and tucked him in. I went into the blanket closet and grabbed a fuzzy, warm blanket because the silky sheets weren't going to do it. I returned to the bedroom and laid the blanket on top of him. I cleaned up the mess he did on the balcony and locked the balcony doors. I put away his wet clothes and wiped the wet bathroom floor before exiting the bathroom. I placed a glass of water and two pain killers on the table beside him, his going to have one hell of a hangover tomorrow. That's guaranteed ! I was headed towards the door when I heard Leonardo mumbled a ' thank you', I smiled before walking out and heading towards my room.

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