Chapter 49

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Leonardo's POV

This can not be happening, not now ! What the hell is Amanda doing in fucking Memphis ? I'm pretty sure she doesn't have any family this sid--Heck ! She doesn't even have family in fucking America.

" Damn it Amanda !  What are you doing here ?" I said groaning .

' Talk about bad fucking timing .'

' Boss I have a clear head shot at Diablo but unfortunately i might graze Amanda because her shoulder is slightly covering his face .'

' Go for it Luke ! '

" Mia are you mentally ill or just stupid ? You just heard him say that the bullet will graze Amanda and you're giving him the go ahead ? "  I said with nothing but irritation in my voice, why did I agree to go on this mission with a hothead like Mia  ?

' At least it's not going to kill her and talk to me like that one more time and I'll put a bullet in between your eyes .'

' Abort ?'

' Luke shoot the barstard ! '

" Luke pull that trigger and I promise you that I will rip you to pieces and feed you to my dogs."

' He's joking Luke, dark humor. Shoot him !  '

" Say something again Mia and I'll smash your head against that brick wall."  that must've done the trick because she didn't say anything after that . I turned and looked at Amanda, she was smiling up on Diablo' s face as if they've known each other for the rest of their lives, right.

" Luke look out for me, I want to wish an old friend a happy birthday." I said making my way towards the bar .

' Leonardo that's not part of the plan, we're supposed to stay low ! What are you doing ?  '

" Fuck the plan Mia ! The mother of my unborn child is sitting next to Diablo , the fucking target . Who knows who else it targeting him, Amanda could get caught in the cross line and you know it ! so please don't fucking talk to me about a plan." I said approaching the bar .

' I hope they shoot your stupid ass .'

I rolled my eyes, not bothering to answer her.

" Diablo . " I said when I finally reached the bar, catching both their attention . Amanda looked like a reindeer caught in headlights but she quickly recovered.

" Leonardo ! You finally made it, took you long enough to come and greet me. "  he stood up from his seat and approached me with his arms open.

" They notified you the moment I walked in huh ? " I said giving him 'bro hug' .

" I couldn't take any chances with you. " he whispered in my ear before pulling back from the hug.

" As you should . " I said confidently with a smirk  and he gave me a tight smile.

" Where's that gorgeous sister of yours ? Maya ?" he questioned while looking around.

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