Chapter 17 :

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Amanda's POV

"Leonardo I swear to God..." I said while glaring at him as he laughed. After we fled the scene we drove to his 'condo' and now I was on top of his bathroom counter while he cleaned my wounds,my lips and nose were swollen from when I smashed into the car's windscreen, and pieces of the shattered window were stuck in my arm. Leonardo, as usual was being a jerk and yanking the pieces out with some tweezers.

"What? I'm doing what you asked me to do" he said barely getting the words out of his mouth because of laughing, I snatched the tweezers out of his hands before carefully taking out the pieces of glass from my arm. I used a cotton ball dipped in alcohol to clean my cuts, Leonardo then helped me wrap my arm in a bandage. I jumped down from the counter and headed towards the door

"Are you not going to help treat me?" he asked looking at me through the mirror

"Nah ! I'm sure you'll manage  " I said chuckling

"You're really leaving ? " he asked while grinning at me.

"You're part of a fricken mafia, ain't you guys trained to tend to your wounds in case of emergencies ?  Or you're just too pussy  to handle blood ?" I joked before laughing, he scrunched his face up, in a split of  second he had me pinned up against the wall. His large hand was wrapped around my neck, as my feet dangled in the air . I was struggling to breathe so I scratched his arm trying to move him but he didn't budge, I tried punching him but that didn't seem to bother him even the slightest. I looked at him searching for any signs of remorse but his face displayed an emotion of disinterest and anger. My vision started to get blury and I found it more difficult to breathe, I stopped fighting the dark and let it consume me

"Don't ever call me pussy Amanda"  was the last thing I heard before my body went numb.


I looked at Amanda's unconscious body on the bathroom floor before finishing treating my cuts and wrapping them up. I felt bad for choking her but there's something that triggers me when someone undermines me, that probably wasn't her intentions but she still said it . I hate loosing control of my moods and emotions, I stopped taking pills for my bipolar condition because they don't work but mostly because they taste like crap. I honestly don't need those pills, I am fine without them. When I finished I tidied up the bathroom before walking towards Amanda and picking her up bridal style. I walked out of the bathroom and climed the stairs into my bedroom, I walked into my room and went towards the bed to place Amanda down into the bed. I laid her down and noticed how wild her hair was, it was all over the place. I chuckled at the little pout in her lips, she had dry tears on her face. It hurts me to know that I couldn't control my anger even towards. I sat beside her and caressed her cheek

"Perdonami teroso,  non volevo ferirti" (forgive me sweetheart, I didn't mean to hurt you)  it wasn't long before I heard light snores,I kissed her on her forehead and left the room. I walked to the guest room next to my room, I wanted to give her space. I entered the room, stripped and jumped into bed, I instantly fell asleep with Amanda clouding my mind.


Amanda's POV

The sound of birds chipping woke me up from my deep sleep, I threw the covers over me to block the sound. I groaned when I still heard the birds, I  threw the covers off me and stretched. I got off the bed and walked towards the big glass window  that gave the perfect view of the mountains, Leonardo's condo was in the middle of nowhere, it was probably an hour away from the city. Thick fog hung over the mountains, the tress looked green and fresh. The way the trees moved in sync due to the wind blowing strongly was fascinating, it's as if they were dancing. I loved the outdoors, mother nature was art.

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