Chapter 63

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Amanda's POV
(05:46 PM /one month later )

"You're glowing mama !"

"You're glowing mama !"

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"Auww thank you baby, did you really have to go back to work today ?" I said with a pout

"Mama your friends are going to be coming over, ain't they ?" 

" Yes but I miss you, Nikita has been giving me a hard time." I whined as I spoke to Leonardo over FaceTime .

" Is she still awake ?"

" No but that's only because I played her one of the voice notes you sent me earlier on. " I said throwing myself on the couch . Leonardo left earlier on today for work at the warehouse, he said something about DeCarlo.

" she's just like her mommy, can't resist this voice . "

" Shut up ! What time are you coming back ho--Somebody is awake. "  I said when I heard one of the babies whine .

" You want to bet on who it is ? "

" What are we betting on first ?" I asked before laughing at his childish acts , I wish more people got to see this side of Leonardo . He wasn't as hard and heartless as he portrayed himself to be.

" Whoever guesses wrong, get's to change the nappies for 3 days straight . "

" Ooo boy ! I like dat  . Okay so who do you think it is and you better hurry up because I think whoever it is, is going to cry now." I said walking towards the stairs.

" It's definitely Leonardo , he's can't sleep anywhere but on your breasts. "

" I wonder where he get's that from. " I said sarcastically and he chuckled before playfully rolling his eyes.

" I bet it's Mariano because he was the first to fall asleep so it makes sense that he's the first to wake up. " I said while jogging up the stairs.  I entered the Junior's nursery first and I groaned when I saw his hands and legs dangling .


" Bye. " I hung up on him before throwing my phone on top of the rocking chair and walking towards Junior's bed.

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