Chapter 38

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Leonardo's POV

I froze the moment I heard her voice, the hair at the back of my neck stood and the goosebumps that she has always managed to give me ran through my whole body

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I froze the moment I heard her voice, the hair at the back of my neck stood and the goosebumps that she has always managed to give me ran through my whole body. It has been months but I could recognize her voice even in my sleep, her angelic voice . I raised my head and looked in her direction, the room became hot all of a sudden , the tension highly evident. My eyes focused on her and found her already looking my way . The room felt empty, it felt as if we were the only souls in the room. My eyes locked into hers , emotions daring to pour out from the both of us .  She looks beautiful and healthy, compared to the last time I saw her. Her wounds have healed up perfectly and not even a single scar was visible on her face. Her eyes started to get glossy as she looked back into my eyes with an unreadable expression, anger ? maybe. Throughout the past few months, I have been trying to erase her from my memory and  I failed miserably but nobody was aware of that because I stopped talking about her months ago and nobody dared to mention her name in my presence either but seeing her now renews all the shit I felt towards her.  No woman has ever been able to make me feel, even the mother of my children but she !  She did it effortlessly . Amanda taught me affection and adoration and she doesn't even know that, she intrigued me from the very first moment I laid eyes on her, I knew for a fact that I would never be able to erase her completely from my mind .

We broke eye contact and my eyes scanned her figure , she must be happy with me and my family out of her life because she now had a thicker frame and her skin was radiant and looked gorgeous.  The waiter uniform did her no ju- WAIT  WAITER ?! 

" I'll take your orders when I come back with your drinks . " I heard her say before she hurried off. I stared at her as she disappeared behind the counter, into the back . We all sat silently at the table for at least a minute , I turned to look at Mia and she already was looking at me with tears threatening to leave her eyes, I heavily sighed before putting my hands on my face .

" What is going on ? Who's that chick ? "  Romeo asked pointing in the direction Amanda went in, I picked up my menu, ignoring  him.

" She's nobody you should be worrying yourself about . " Leonardo answered glaring at  him and Romeo put his hands up in surrender.

"Calm down I just wanted to know who she was since everyone tensed up when she approached the table, I couldn't give a fuck about her ." he said before smacking his lips.

"Watch your mouth." I said calmly still looking at the menu .

" Whatever man. "  he said before picking up the menu in front of him.

" You good ? " Mason asked and I just nodded, not wanting to talk to anybody but my mind couldn't help but wonder, what the hell was Amanda doing as a waiter ? She could've found herself another job, she had the qualifications  ! Why di-

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