chapter 17

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You attract people by the qualities you display. You keep them by the quality you possess

I ought to be jumping around in joy and happiness for successfully fooling my sister into changing her stance and believing otherwise about my involvement in the theft but no....... I couldn't derive any form of satisfaction or joy from it, all i feel is
Complete emptiness and anxiety

Guilt is eating so fast at me that I found it hard to breath or even think straight.
Sleep completely elude me as well and so did my peace of mind.

My conscience isn't pricking me, it stabbing me so badly

I had lied to Soma, made her feel like a bad and shitty person when in reality she was right all along


'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry'
I fall back in bed burying my face in my palm.

How would I ever face her again

I had played dirty, even going as far as throwing how much mom loves and care more for me in her face, all to prove a fake point.

Will she ever forgive me when she finds out the truth.

4: 30 am

When it became clear I won't be getting any Sleep, I made my way to the bathroom and had my bath before rushing off to help get Tega ready for school as well.
By 6: o clock, both of us were ready and dressed for school, sitting on the dining as we wait for Aunty Emen to serve our breakfast and pack our lunch .

Good morning my angels' mom greets, kissing both our cheeks before pulling out her own chair to sit as well
She's dressed in red armless jumpsuit and black block heels which brings out her nice and beautiful shape for all to see

My mom is a sight to behold...... she doesn't look a year above 20

'So what for breakfast?' She ask no one in particular while scrolling through her phone

'Toast bread and tea ma' Aunty Emen answers, dropping Tega's and I food on the table.

Mum checks her wristwatch and sigh
'I don't think I would be able eat, just pack up the toast for me and make me a cup of coffee, my flight to Abuja is in the next 1 hour'

'Abuja?' I ask for clarification
'You didn't mention you'll be travelling today'

'Yeah I know! I wasn't planning too but something came up, it an emergency'
She replies me with her easy going smile

'Good morning everyone' comes the third voice from behind me, I stiffen in my seat not ready to face her

'Morning, you're awake so early' mom prompts eyeing Soma suspiciously, the latter just rolls her eyes.

'Is there a rule stating I can't wake up early'

'Well you spend half you days sleeping and doing nothing productive doe yourself. Pardon me if I feel curious about a change in your bad habit'
Aunty Emem arrives with mom's breakfast packed and a cup of coffee

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