chapter 105

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I came out of the study looking ten times older than i actually am.
The meeting got us nowhere, infact it only worsen our situation and grandpa had to call for an adjournment since the whole family is torn between choices.

Philip was dozing off on a chair in the living room with Tega on his laps, my besties are nowhere to be found which simply means they must have gone home since neither of them have the liberty to stay out so late like Philip who is a guy.
He must have gotten tired waiting for me to finish up with my family and it a wonder he hasn't gone home just yet.

I gently tapped him and he woke instantly, rubbing his eyes with the back of his palm before stretching loudly like a cat, Tega stirs and he stops, going still for a while before carefully laying him down so he doesn't wake.

'The meeting is over?'
He asked in a low tone, yawning.

I nod at him in confirmation, watching is every action as he used the throw pillows to block the sided of the chair so Tega doesn't fall off, a small smile found it way to my face seeing him care for my little brother like he was his
He and Tega looked so peaceful and adorable while sleeping earlier on before I interrupted that I could spend days just staring at them nonstop.

'I guess Afra and Ashley left already?'

He got to his feet and stood in front of me.
'Their parents called so they had to leave'
Afra had a small family dinner engagement to attend, Nadir's parents were officially coming over to meet her dad so they could set a date for he and Amra's wedding.
Ashley on her part had to go assist her mom in taking care of the house chore, she's nearing her term and the babies would be born really soon so she can't be stressed.

'And you?'
I asked after he finished explaining
'Don't you have to go somewhere or run some personal errand'

He shrugs
'That can always wait.... so how did it go?'
He asked, slipping his hands into his pockets as he got to his feet. habits!

The little smile on my face fell off instantly, my expression must have told him all he had to know.

'It's okay, go with the flow and everything will be okay!'
He drew me close for a comforting hug and I didn't hold back, I bite my lips trying to hold back the tears burning and the back of my eyes as he pats my back continuously.

I didn't want to cry again, I'm tired of doing nothing but cry all day like it would solve the problem at hand.
With the way things are going, it only a big miracle that would keep my family together and miracles aren't something that happens everyday.

Not if mom never backs down on her words... and she won't be backing down this time.

We sat oppsite each other holding hand as i explained to him in details how the meeting went, he listened with rapt attention without interrupting, occasionally squeezing my palms in a comforting gesture and I really appreciated that.

'... Grandpa adjourned the meeting till tomorrow'
He nods with a sigh.
'But I know it won't change anything, if that determined look in mom's face was anything to go with, she would leave and nothing would stop her'

He wiped the lone tears that fell off my face and flicked it.
'Then nothing should stop from moving ahead, you mom have a life of her own and so do you, she shouldn't hold you back with her decisions'

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