chapter 3

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An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast, a wild beast nay wound your body but an evil friend will wound your mind





I groan turning over in my bed to get a better sleeping position, there was silence for a while till the shrieking sound of my ringtone jolts me up.

Amsie, what on earth is your problem, have been banging on your window for ages.....

That explain the noise.

I yawned, turning to check the time from the wall clock hanging above my study desk

1:17 am

Don't you dare sleep on me, open the damp window so I can get in.....

I climbed out of my bed, walk to my window and clicked it open to see my sister sitting on the branch of the tree near my window, it the same tree she always use to get in and out of the house from my room

'Finally, I was beginning to think I have to pass the night here'

'You said you weren't coming home tonight'

'Point of correction, I said I may not' she corrects

'Whatever, get in before mosquitoes starts taking advantage of my generosity to you' she climbs in and land on her feet.

'God bless this tree, i don't know how my life would have been without it' she laughs

'Simple, you won't be able to sneak out and attend parties' I reply
'You know mom and dad aren't at home, why can't you come in through the front door like a normal person'

' Now where's the fun in that' I sigh, giving up on helping her see reasons. Soma likes to have fun in every situation, at time even at the expense of others

'You should atleast consider the fact that you keep unconvincing me'

'I offered you a solution already' soma had made me a deal which involves us swapping rooms but I refuse because I just love my room so much

'Am not swapping rooms'

'Too bad, then you have to endure' she moves toward the door, probably heading to her room or the kitchen to find something to eat.

'One of these days , I would just leave you out in the cold so you freeze to death' I threatened

'Empty threats ' she laughs, swaying her hips as she walks off.

Jeez...... what do I do with her

I got back in bed hoping to sleep but ended up doing my biology project which isn't due till next week when I couldn't sleep

Thanks for ruining my night sis

I stepped into the familiar rowdy hallway of PREMIUM COLLEGE the next day, heading straight to my class, though am not in a rush since there is no assembly and I still have 15 more minutes before my first lesson.


At first it didn't occur to me that I was being called until the third time

I stop and turn around in evident shock to see the least person I expect walking away from her group of friends towards me with her signatury sweet irresistible smile

Fake! If you ask me.

'Hi' she greets sweetly on getting close
'I've been wanting to talk to you' I raised a brow at her, we haven't spoken in two years and here she is making it seem like we are cool. knowing her, she only ever seek out people when she needs there help.

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