09; foolish

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A/N: this chapter will contain explicit content, which is why i have changed the rating of the story to mature


You wondered how much time had passed. An hour, maybe two? Not that it really mattered. After what had just happened, you were convinced you'd never be able to fall asleep again.

Truthfully, you were still in a daze. The fact that Luca had been murdered hadn't quite sunken in. You knew it was the bitter, undisputable truth, but you were in complete denial. You kept telling yourself this was all a horrible nightmare, and that you would eventually come to your senses and wake up. You'd never even met Shigaraki. You must've had some sort of accident, and now you were comatose, tormented by this seemingly never-ending dream. Right?

As if.

You knew you couldn't keep kidding yourself. As terrified as you were, this was your reality, and you'd been a fool to ever think that you could make it through purely by staying on Shigaraki's good side. The guy was a fucking criminal—he was batshit insane. No matter how fond of you he seemed, it was only a matter of time before his mood plummeted and he decided to turn you to dust as well.

Staying here was a death sentence. You needed to get the fuck out.

At some point in the night, your tears had stopped, and Shigaraki was still in his bed, sleeping. Ironically enough, this was the deepest state of sleep you'd ever seen him in. He usually stayed up most of the night on the computer or playing games, or even just sipping listlessly at a drink by the bar. Killing your former boyfriend must have brought him a sense of peace. What an absolute psychopath.

You knew that he was sound asleep because you could hear his breathing; occasionally, he would even let out a soft snore. Granted, you'd had your fair share of sleepless nights in this place, but you'd never dared to leave the room in the middle of the night.

Until now.

Drawing in a sharp breath, you slowly pushed your blankets aside and stood up. Still no movement from the bed, so that was good. Shigaraki was facing the wall, away from you. The rhythm of his breathing didn't change, nor did anything else indicate that he might've heard you get up.

You knew just how stupid it was to test him. After all, you'd just witnessed firsthand what happened to the people that pissed him off. He'd never even had a single interaction with Luca, but the simple fact that he'd been intimately involved with you was enough to seal his fate. If you left right now, you would probably be killed. But what was the alternative? Stay here with this madman, losing your mind more and more as the days went on, only to be killed off eventually anyways? You could genuinely say that you didn't know how much more of this your heart could handle. You kept clinging to the hope that the heroes or police would rescue you, but it was entirely possible that this was just how your life would be from now on. You would forever be a prisoner, a puppet to Shigaraki's will.

Yeah, fuck that.

A shudder left your lips, but you stifled it to the best of your ability. You just couldn't stand this anymore. Even if you got caught, you needed to at least try. You'd never forgive yourself if you didn't even fight for your life.

You gripped the handle of the door and twisted it open, just a crack. Shigaraki still didn't move or make any other sounds. The soft light trickling in from the bar almost made you slap a palm against your forehead. Right. Even if Shigaraki was asleep, Kurogiri would still be at the bar. He didn't have his own room. You doubted he even ever slept. From the very beginning, there was something about him that didn't quite strike you as fully human.

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