11; brewing storm

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"Wow, I can't believe there's another girl here! And she's so cute! Hey, wanna be my best friend?"

You shrunk away from the chipper, overly excited voice. Truthfully, you'd also been a bit surprised that the League had a high school girl as a member, and perhaps a part of you was even somewhat relieved when you'd first seen her, but it had only taken a few moments for you to realize she was just as fucked up—if not more—than the rest of them.

The girl's name was Toga. Her blonde hair was pulled up into two messy buns, stray locks falling out in every direction. She had admittedly quite pretty amber eyes, but they gleamed in a way that was little more than manic or deranged. Her cheeks appeared to be permanently flushed, and sharp canines poked out between her lips every time she flashed you a smile.

What was of most concern to you was the way she talked.

"Aw, she's so pretty!" Toga praised, waving a knife around haphazardly. "Can I cut her up a bit? Just a little? Just to watch her bleed?"

Shigaraki took a step in front of you and narrowed his eyes. "Try it and I kill you."

"Tomura-kun, you're no fun!"

"Shut the hell up, Toga. You're so fucking annoying."

You didn't even know why you were here right now. The League was supposedly preparing to carry out their attack on U.A's students within the next couple days, so a bunch of members that you'd never met before had gathered here. There was another young member, probably a high-schooler himself, or maybe even a middle-schooler. There was some scary muscular guy that had an artificial eye and gave off all kinds of bloodlust, a masked villain who was probably in his late twenties or early thirties, at least, just based off how his voice sounded, and some guy dressed in a black and gray bodysuit that had a really confusing manner of speaking. Apparently they were still two members short, but they weren't going to be able to meet with them until the day of the plan.

You bowed your head and retracted even further behind the comfort of the bar. It didn't really make sense why Shigaraki had even allowed you to be present. He was so possessive and controlling, you expected he'd just keep you locked up in his room whenever others were around. You hated being restrained by him, but right now, you honestly would have preferred that over being stuck face-to-face with all these sickos.

Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted Dabi reclined against the wall, still looking at you with that mildly pitying expression. It pissed you off. You didn't want his sympathy; it's not like it was genuine anyways, and you knew he didn't give half a shit what happened to you. He didn't look like the type that could ever be swayed. Even if you cast aside what was left of your pride and tried to seduce him, it wasn't like he would help you escape. At the very least, you'd appreciate it if he could stop staring at you like you were so pathetic. You didn't need any more reminders.

"So, who's the broad?" the scary blonde villain asked. Apparently, his name was literally Muscular. You wanted to laugh, because it was obvious he had less than half a brain cell, but you were scared he'd bust your skull open for making fun of him. He seemed to have very little respect for authority, and he was clearly not afraid of his supposed boss. Perhaps Shigaraki would try to protect you if you were attacked, but Muscular didn't strike you as someone who was afraid of the consequences.

"None of your business," Shigaraki replied coldly.

"Hm? Is she not a member? I've never seen her around before, not to mention she looks goddamn weak."

"I said it's none of your business." Shigaraki outstretched his hand, the muscles and veins tensed up as a warning. Muscular looked like a total idiot, but he took the hint, or at least decided you weren't worth the effort.

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