10; scarred

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The horrid events of last night kept on replaying in your mind. With all the obscene, dirty things Shigaraki had forced you to do, you hadn't even been given the time to properly mourn Luca's death. You wondered what his poor family must be going through right now, assuming they'd even been spared.

You'd awoken with bruises all over your body. The only reason you'd even gotten a wink of sleep last night was because your body had crashed from the fear, pain, and exhaustion. Even now, you were still in shock. You wanted to believe that none of what had happened was actually real, but your eyes flitted weakly across the walls, and sure enough, you were still here. Trapped.

Your reflection in the mirror seemed foreign to you. The dark purple blotches were harsh and prominent against your skin. You were paler than you'd ever recalled yourself being, and there were bags underneath your red, puffy eyes. You looked so weak, so frail. It disgusted you that a single man had been able to break you to this extent.

There wasn't anything you could do. You'd taken your chance last night and tried to escape but it had only ended in horrible failure. There was no salvation for you, not unless someone else came along to put these miserable villains in their place one day. Really, that was the last bit of hope you had, and though it was a bitter thought, you knew there was nothing else to do but wait and pray that you would be rescued.

I can't do anything against him on my own. I'm useless.

From this moment onward, you resolved yourself to be everything Shigaraki wanted you to be. Quiet, obedient, submissive to his every word. You would be his pretty porcelain doll. You would never test him again, you would never dare to provoke him by using his memories. You would endure any suffering and hardship if it meant surviving, even though you already felt dead inside.

After getting dressed, you left the room. Kurogiri was the only one at the bar. It seemed as though Shigaraki had gone off somewhere, and though you felt your chest swell with relief, the look on your face didn't change in the slightest.

Kurogiri looked over at you. All you could do was stare at him expressionlessly. You knew that him and Shigaraki were completely different. He didn't seem to enjoy tormenting others, but he would continue doing Shigaraki's bidding for the rest of his days. You wondered what had led to their current relationship. Was Kurogiri somehow indebted to him in some way? It didn't really seem like that was the case. You weren't quite sure how to explain it, but it almost struck you as if Kurogiri had been created for the sole purpose of serving Shigaraki. He seemed empty, hollow on the inside. It was as if he had no will of his own. For that reason, you couldn't find it in yourself to resent him for what he'd done. He was just a puppet, and in a way, you almost pitied him.

Shigaraki was the one you hated.

"[Name]," Kurogiri greeted, and the haze by his gleaming eyes seemed to billow uncertainly. "Are you in pain? You have many bruises."

You were surprised to seem him act concerned, even if it wasn't genuine, but you decided you'd take any bit of kindness you could get—fabricated or not.

"I'm okay," you replied monotonously. "I was scared in the moment, but it doesn't hurt that much right now. I'll live."

That was all you were trying to do anymore. Just live.

"I see," the villain nodded. "Although I'm sure my words may only upset you, I hope you believe me when I say that Shigaraki Tomura appears to care for you. I have never seen him be so patient with another person before. He would have killed anyone else without a second thought."

Patient? What part of this fucked up asshole was patient? You almost scoffed, but then you remembered that it was pointless to try and hold villains to the same standards you had for yourself. Kurogiri was probably confused because he'd never seen his boss express so much interest in anybody else, but Shigaraki didn't care about you. He appeared to have some kind of sick, unhealthy attachment, fueled primarily by lust. This was not how people behaved when they cared about someone. You wanted to believe that even villains were capable of treating those important to them with respect.

Fragmented | Shigaraki Tomura x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now