05; perverse affliction

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The next few days were rather uneventful.

With the exception of when Dabi and Spinner had come by to discuss something or another, everything else unfolded much the same. Shigaraki made you play video games with him a few more times, and you tried your hardest to put up a good fight, but it seemed futile. He won with ease every single time. Still, he wasn't screaming at you or tying you up, so all considered, things certainly could've been worse.

"You should take a bath," he said suddenly. "You're all dirty."

He was the last person you wanted to hear that from, with his ratty hair, torn clothes, and drying skin, but a bath had been in the back of your mind for a long time. You didn't like the feeling of festering in your own filth, but you'd been too afraid to ask for his permission. There was no telling what would set him off.

You smiled appreciatively. "Thank you. Can I go take it now?"

"No shit. Why do you think I told you?"

You nodded and hurried toward the bathroom. He hadn't tried to touch you for a while, which gave your heart some respite. Although, because of that, you hadn't been able to use your Quirk on him anymore and learn anything else about his past. Maybe it was actually good that you'd been honest with him and told him how your powers worked. He was avoiding touching you because he didn't want you to find out. Well, he could always kill you afterwards, but still.

Thanks to your big cleaning session, the bathroom was in a far better state than when you'd first been confined here. You sighed contentedly and began peeling off your clothes. Just being able to let your skin breathe was already a godsend.

"You didn't lock the door."


You spun around, red-faced, only in your bra and underwear. Shigaraki was standing by the door. You hadn't even heard him open it. He'd removed the artificial hand on his face and was staring at you awkwardly, almost averting his gaze, you'd say.

"If you don't lock the door, someone's going to barge in on you," he stated flatly.

"R-Right. Sorry..."

You mean like how you did?

Shigaraki scratched his neck, jaw going taut. "Or maybe you were hoping for me to walk in on you...? Maybe you get off on having people see you in this state."

"Of course I don't," you swallowed, backing away from him.

"Hm. I've never had a girl be half-naked in front of me before." His lips pulled up at the corners. "Since we're already here, you may as well take everything off and show me the rest."

You couldn't think of anything else that you would hate more. Other than dying, which right now, was a very strong possibility. If you refused.

Which you did.

"Please," you breathed. "I just want to take a bath... I won't even be long. Just, please... don't make me..."

"What makes you think you have a choice?" he scoffed, stepping closer to you. "You're kind of stupid, aren't you? Wouldn't most people be doing everything in their power to stay alive? If I tell you to strip, you strip."

You wanted to cry, but Shigaraki hated it when you cried. It was okay. Well, no, actually. It wasn't okay at all, but he was right—you didn't have a fucking choice. It's not like nobody had ever seen you naked before. The only difference was that then, you'd bared your skin willingly. Now, you were doing it to survive. Even if it made you sick, he was still right.

Fragmented | Shigaraki Tomura x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now