14; what he saw

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Light seeped in through the cracks of the dilapidated building. You blinked once, twice, begrudgingly moving your head to the side. Shigaraki was beside you, his chest rising and falling along with each breath he took in. He was still sound asleep. He'd stayed by your side all night.

You slowly sat up, feeling sluggish and heavy. You were surprised by how you'd managed to fall asleep after what had happened. The fact that you were growing number by the day was not only worrying, but it made you feel like you weren't at all who you used to be.

Well, that was to be expected. An experience like this didn't have any happy endings.

You stood up and went to grab a bottle of water. It was room temperature, slightly on the colder side, but still far from refreshing. You gulped it down regardless. It's not like there was a better alternative.

The big room was still empty; you and Shigaraki were the only ones in it. You vaguely remembered him shooing everyone away before he'd pushed you the ground and claimed your body for himself, but you were surprised that they still hadn't returned. For better or worse, they seemed to take their boss' orders quite seriously. In your case, this was generally for the worse.

You decided to take advantage of the fact that Shigaraki was still asleep and wander around a bit. There was also another situation which you were desperate to address, but you feared that no one would give enough of a shit to bother helping you. They were villains, after all, why should they care? Still, you couldn't help but feel a pang in your lower abdomen, and your hand instinctively moved to press against it. You knew it was impossible, but it was almost as if you could feel a soft, lifelike pulse, and it flooded your throat with the taste of bile.

Please, anything but that.

It took you a little while to find your bearings, but you eventually stumbled across the rest of the League in a different part of the building. They were all lounging about; some of them were playing cards. Clearly, they didn't have a care in the world, even though they were all criminals, murderers. They stole peoples' lives and it didn't even faze them. Fucking scumbags.

"Ah!" Toga beamed, a grin spreading across her lips once she spotted you. "[Name]-chan! Good morning, cutie. You and Tomura-kun were sleeping together so adorably, we didn't want to wake you. Did you have a good rest?"

"It was fine," you glared, striding right past her. You stopped before Kurogiri and gave him a soft, pleading look. "Kurogiri-san. Please, can I talk to you in private for a moment?"

You expected to be met with some resistance on his part, especially since his boss wasn't around to give out orders, but he thankfully didn't put up a fight. Maybe he was only letting you get your hopes up so that he could squash them himself.

"Certainly," he said. "Let's go over there."

He led you out a bit farther, behind a tall pillar. You were glad that you'd gotten him alone, but you honestly didn't know what to say. There was no sensitive or smart way to breach this topic. All you could do was ask, and hope that he had even an ounce of sympathy left in his body.

You swallowed hard. "Last night... Tomura-kun and I did something... physical together. I'm worried that I might get pregnant."

"I see."

No reaction, as you'd expected. You pressed onward, "I need to take a pill or something. Please, it's really dangerous. I realize you could probably care less, but I'm begging you. Please help me with this."

Kurogiri stared at you for a few moments, then shrugged. "I would be going behind Shigaraki Tomura's back. This would be a betrayal of his trust. If he was worried about things like that, he would have been more careful in the first place."

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