16; empty shell

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"Miss, are you listening? You need to help answer our questions. This is important."

You stared at the officers interrogating you, eyes glazed over. Of course they wanted you to answer their questions. Assuming they believed you were actually telling the truth, then it meant you had information on the League's whereabouts. In spite of the fact that you were clearly traumatized and out of sorts, they were more interested in making it big by locking up the bad guys than trying to ensure your well-being.

It was laughable. You wondered how you'd never noticed that there were so few good people in this world.

"I already told you, they had me in some sort of an abandoned building," you gritted out, repeating your answer for possibly the fifth time. "I tried to retrace my steps for you, but it was really dark and I don't even know how I found my way. The person I ran into on the street helped direct me towards the police station. All of the members of the League were there, besides Tomura—I mean, Shigaraki and Kurogiri."

The head detective, you assumed by the look of things, knitted his brows together. "We need more detail than that. Please, try your best to remember. These are very dangerous criminals."

"I told you everything I know. I was so afraid that I was going to be caught and killed that I could hardly think straight while I was running away. I don't know what else you want from me."

He stood up from his chair and gave his partners a weary, frustrated look. As if this was somehow your fault. You were the victim, you were the one who'd been abused and sexually assaulted, but you were still fucking things up for them. Just perfect.

Goddamn scumbags.

"Wait here," the detective told you. "My associates will be contacting your family shortly."

As if there was anywhere else you could go. You could see just how desperate these officers were to act on your words and try to arrest the League. Of course, everything you'd told them was the truth. You wanted Shigaraki to be locked up for good, you wanted them all to be locked up, even Dabi. But you highly doubted that they'd be able to. Dabi wasn't just going to allow you to run away without taking preventative measures. Whatever semblance of morality had led to him allowing your escape didn't just suddenly mean that he was ready to turn himself in. The rest of the members would have long noticed you were gone, and they would have already ditched the scene. Shigaraki had Kurogiri with him. Even if they found the police snooping around the hideout, they could easily warp to someplace else.

They weren't going to be caught. You already knew this. Right now, you were past caring. You just wanted to go home and see your parents.

Nobody here was really giving you the time of day. They wanted information, nothing more, nothing less. The fact that you didn't have any discernible injuries on your body probably made your condition seem even less urgent. A part of you wondered if they even fully believed you. Did they really believe that someone like Shigaraki could grow attached to another person? To develop an infatuation for them?

Maybe they really did think that you were lying. Maybe they even thought that... you were one of them.

It was a sickening thought, but based on their treatment of you, it was clear they didn't have any sympathy for your situation. They were wary and kept their distance. Whatever background check they were doing right now would probably alleviate some of their concerns, but until then, you were just another burden to them. A hassle. Some weak, disoriented girl who'd turned up looking for help. Help that they weren't willing to give.

You spent a long time thinking this way. Longer than you would've liked to admit. No one was coming to check in on you. They just kept you inside that dimly lit room, no doubt surveying you from behind the one-way glass.

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