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When we got there, we entered the giant house - more like a small mansion - to see the party in full swing. The music was loud and the smiles were plentiful.

I snuck a look at Miracle and she looked mildly surprised but not fazed. Before I could say anything to her, she was dragged away by Jules and Meg into the crowd.

I frowned, slightly disappointed but then silently chided myself. After all, they had every right to drag her away and she had every right to go with them.

But I guess that I had every right to wish she didn't.

I shook my head, it probably looking more like a twitch than a shake but it didn't really matter. It was supposed to clear my head, which it didn't - no matter what others called it.

Dot came into my vision and he extended his hand towards me in a gentlemanly fashion. "Ready to party?" He asked with a grin.

I laughed because of how ridiculous that sounded at a Christmas party. Not exactly what you would think with that expression. Nonetheless, I took my brother's hand and let him take me towards what caught his eye first.

Surprisingly, that wasn't the hot cocoa station that was near the food. It actually was a game called Pin the Nose on Rudolph - a Christmas version of Pin the Tail on the Donkey.

With an excited expression, he turned to me. "How much you wanna bet that I can get closer than you?"

I found myself grinning. We always competed with each other - starting back when we were the only two children of the Taylor family. "Nuh uh. I bet that I can get can get closer than you." I countered him.

"Okay. Closest person wins. Loser has to take a shot." He said. He must be confident that he was going to win because he hated the stuff that was in the shots. Peppermint schnapps, to fit the Christmas theme.

We shook on it and proceeded to get in line. In the end, Dot lost and had to take a shot.

However, he hates the stuff - as I previously said - so, being the great sister I was, I took a shot with him. I grimaced, not particularly liking the taste.

"Delicious." He said sarcastically, looking for something to get the taste out of his mouth.

Meg appeared with a cup of hot cocoa and a smirk.

"Need this?" She asked him.

He nodded and gratefully took it, immediately downing a big gulp. "Hot!" He made that intelligent observation after doing so.

Meg rolled her eyes. "It's called hot chocolate for a reason, idiot." She said exactly what I was thinking.

I left them to banter as I felt that was about to come and I didn't want to be the third wheel in such a situation. I spotted Miracle over by the drinks and snacks and grinned as I walked towards her.

However, I was taken away by Mrs. Samuel, an elderly lady that was constantly trying to set me up with someone - much to my annoyance.

"Christmas, darling. I think I know just the guy to introduce you to." She told me, her iron grip on my arm as I was dragged away from Miracle and the food-slash-beverage tables.

She was wearing yet another over extravagant dress with fancy jewelry that I'm sure all had precious jewels in them. Her evening gown this year was partially white and red, the colors of a Santa hat she told me as she dragged me.

Finally, we got over to a nice looking guy. I mean that in the 'you're kinda adorable but I would never date you' type of nice looking. He was one of the people that chose to wear an ugly Christmas sweater and the green complimented his dark complexion.

Still not interested though.

"TJ, this is Christmas. You know, the girl I've been telling you about?" Mrs. Samuel introduced me, getting his attention as he had been previously talking to someone else.

He smiled. "Oh, it's nice to meet you, Christmas."

"Christi, please." I interrupted him.

"Christi, then."

"Well, I'll leave you two to chat." With that, Mrs. Samuel left, leaving the two of us to stand there awkwardly. Well, at least me.

"Okay." I started. "Just to set this straight, I'm not really interested in exploring a potential romantic relationship with you."

He laughed, fidgeting some. "Yeah. Me neither. Just saying but I don't really swing that way."

My eyebrow raised. "Oh. Does Mrs. Samuel know this?" I glanced over at her but she wasn't even facing our way, totally submerged in a conversation.

He nervously laughed. "Yeah, I'm not really sure?"

I gave him a look but he just shrugged.

"Well, what do you say we just say that we chatted but weren't compatible?" I asked him, sticking out my hand.

"Sounds like a plan to me." He quickly shook it.

"Now, I have a friend I want to talk to and I'm not sure if they're still there." I told him.

"Yeah, she is." He told me, looking over my shoulder, knowing exactly who I was talking about. "Although, she is really enjoying that punch." His face crinkled with concern and his eyes widened. "I think the punch is spiked?"

I spin around to see Miracle with three empty solo cups beside her on the table. "Oh shit." I cursed under my breath before quickly going over.

"Christmas!" Miracle giggled as she greeted me.

Well. That answers that question. She's definitely drunk.

I don't think I've ever seen or heard her giggle.

Why the hell didn't she do anything else other than drink the spiked punch? It really can't be that good.

"Is she okay?" TJ asked me, making me shake my head.

"Miracle, are you a lightweight?" I asked her.

"Nope! I am most certainly not." She told me with a goofy grin on her face.

I gave her a look that said that I didn't believe her and she pouted. She did look adorable, despite the fact that she was drunk.

"What the hell happened?! Oh my god, Miracle, are you drunk!?" Meg asked her with wide eyes when she came over.

"No, why does everyone keep asking me that?" She asked, frowning.

Last time I checked, two people wasn't everyone.

"I just drank the delicious punch." Miracle continued, giving her friend with a frown.

"How many cups of said delicious punch did you drink? You're extremely lightweight..."

Miracle paused for a moment, as if to think and started counting out loud on her fingers. "Won, tooth, three, floor, five." She frowned. "That doesn't sound right."

"That's because it isn't. Come on, let's get you home." I said, reaching towards her.

She pouted once again and stomped her foot, throwing her off balance but TJ steadied her before she fell or anything. "But I don't wanna."
"You're going to." I argued.

"But I don't wanna!" She fussed.
"Miracle sweetie,  you gotta go home and get some rest. Sleep off the alcohol." Meg told her.

"But. I. Don't. Wanna." She was completely upset now, not just being stubborn.

I sighed.
"Chrissymas, I want to dance and have fun." She told me, messing up my name in a kinda cute way.

"You can. When you've rested and sobered up." I told her.

She seemed to consider this and gave me a look, her eyes filled with determination.

"Pinky promise?" She bit her lip and stuck out her pinky.

I felt myself smile a bit and - hooking my pinky with hers - I nodded. "I pinky promise."

Accidental Christmas MiracleWhere stories live. Discover now